Three, Austyn

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I blinked a few times wishing that I never even woke up. My head was pounding and the lights, oh god the lights, why did it feel like I was at a damn concert this morning like right now in my room. Who was playing the drums on my head, and why in the hell are all the lights so bright?

"Aus? You good?" I mumbled out something that I didn't even understand myself and heard Cass laugh from next to the bed. "You drank too much."

"I'm never drinking again."

"I'm sure that is a lie, just maybe stick to like two beers and no shots. " Cass laughed.

"Okay I'm never drinking this much again or that much or whatever much again." She laughed at me again and I just grumbled and covered my head back up.

"So, you left with that guy...did he bring you back here?" I could hear in her voice was smiling like a mad woman.

"I don't know, I remember dancing with that guy...but nothing after that." I kept my eyes closed talking to her head still under the covers.

"Well I think that he brought you here, are you dressed?" I looked down at myself under the covers. Still in my dress from last night.

"Yes, in my dress still." 

"Well then I can say he is quite the gentleman and well because you looked so hot!" Before I could ask why she pulled the blanket off my head and pointed to my nightstand. I sat up with one eye open as my stomach rolled.

"Take these? He's not even here and trying to drug me?" Cass laughed as I flipped over the note. "Oh, I'm not supposed to worry, its apparently aspirin, b6, and Unisom the b6 and Unisom will help with nausea apparently. How thoughtful." I smiled and reached for the pills and the glass of water that said 'drink me' on it when I noticed the third sticky note. I took all the pills right away.

"What does it say?!" I smiled she bounced clapping her hands together.

"Same bar, tonight, same stools. Less drinks. 9:30. With a wink face." Oh my gosh I was so embarrassed. Cassie was all but rolling around on the floor laughing. "Seriously not funny."

"Seriously this man took you home, helped you in bed, and locked up before he left. Also making sure that when you woke up you could take stuff to help with your hangover. Winner. We are so going back tonight so you can see him again." Her eyes were wide.

"I'm sorry no we are not, you can go but my ass is staying right here in this comfy bed." I started to pull the covers up again when she yanked them off me.

"No, you have to go help your brother at work today, and then we are going back to learn more about this mystery man that brought you home." She wiggled her eye brows at me.

"Dane, his name is Dane. Not that I remember much else about him but that is his name."

"Dane got it. He was gorgeous I remember that much. Those eyes." She spun around and landed on my bed. I agreed with her completely that man was beautiful. I just wish I remembered what had happened last night while I was with him. Did we do anything? Did I just pass out? Ugh now I seriously have to go tonight just to find out how big of a fool I made of myself.

I finally drug myself out of bed somehow making it to the shower and was already starting to feel better. This man, that didn't even know me, gave me a hangover cure and by the time I was dressed and ready to leave the house I was feeling back to normal, like I didn't even drink last night.


"Hey sis" My twin brother wrapped me up in a hug, picking me up off the ground since he got the tall gene apparently, as soon as I walked through the door of the same club I was at last night. He and I were perfect partners, he handled the people and publicity, I handled the, well everything else basically. Dallas and I were basically identical besides the obvious of his height, penis, and hair. He stayed scruffy, we had the same eyes, his jaw like was more square than mine, but you could tell we were twins there was no doubt about it. He was way better at the public stuff, I enjoyed being behind closed doors. He set me back down. "Thank you for coming in on a Saturday."

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat