Twenty-Three, Austyn

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This seriously has to be a dream. I must have pinched myself twenty times from the time we got back into the car till we got back to his parents' house. All while admiring the most beautiful ring I had ever seen on my finger. He kept catching me looking at it.

"So, I did good?" He laughed.

"Amazing, it could have been just a band and I would have still said yes."

"I know, but you deserve perfect, and I saw you admiring a ring like that when we went to the mall the other week. I saw the way your eyes lit up. I made a promise to myself to make that happen as often as I could." He smiled, I bit my lip trying to contain mine as he parked the car back into the garage.

"Cass and Deegan?"

"I told them a few days ago, this is the day I wanted to do it. So, they flew up, they'll be over here in a little while wanted to get settled in." He helped me out of the car, and we made our way inside.

He opened the door and we were immediately engulfed in hugs and congratulations before his mom pulled away from him and asked. "So, now that she is part of the family. Oh, I'm so excited to have another girl! What is this other secret you've been keeping from us?" She eyed Dane.

"Well" He looked over and me and couldn't contain his massive smile, as he placed his hand on my belly making it hard to miss in my intentionally flowy shirt. "We're pregnant."

His mom screamed and instantly tears formed in her eyes as we were hit with congratulations all over again. His sister cleared her throat causing all of us to look over.

"Well since their secret is out...Josh and I are expecting as well." Hugs were flying again as Justen cleared his throat and looked over at Kelly his wife.

"You too?!" Their mom laughed full of tears. As Kelly laughed and nodded her head. I looked over and Dane was wide eyed scratching his head and shaking it back and forth. "So many grandbabies!!"

"How far along are the two of you?" Kelly asked

"20 weeks." Jayda smiled "It's a boy. How about you?"

"22 weeks, another girl." They both looked over at me.

"20 weeks." I smiled and looked over at Dane.

"Twin boys." He said laughing. As everyone erupted in screams and laughter.

I couldn't help it, this felt so natural. I feel like this is where I belong. That this family is my family and couldn't contain the smile or the tears any longer. Dane looked over at me and put his arm around me, whispering in my ear.

"You okay beautiful?"

"I'm perfect. Everything is perfect." He smiled back at me kissing me with so much love I thought my heart was going to burst.

"This is the most amazing Thanksgiving ever. All of our babies in one place, with all of their babies. My heart is just so full!" Dane's mom said hugging all of us again. "Let's eat!"

It was actually the day before Thanksgiving, yet his mom made a feast. He said she loves to cook and loves to have a full house. Which is awesome because right now I love to eat. We all sat down around the table, and it was amazing. I have never had a dinner like this, so much love around one table. The conversation flowed naturally, and it was just amazing.

After dinner the kids decided they wanted smores and Nana said what they want they get so we all were now outside by the fire enjoying one another's company.

"Uncle Jensen?" Jameson walked up to Dane.

"What's up bud?"

"Did you learn any new songs?" I looked over at Dane confused, he looked over at me and smiled before whispering.

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