The News

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(if you don't like girlxgirl

relationship , don't read .)

Katie's POV

Today is the worst day i could possibly imagine . My mom insists on taking me to see Demi Lovato . You see , i'm a 17 year old girl who has idolized the inspiration known as Demi Lovato ... But i had no intention of ever meeting her . Although i've always wanted to . Before we get into the story , i'd like to give a discription of myself ...

I'm 17 & female . I have short brownish/redish hair . I have blue eyes that everyone says are beautiful but i'll never believe them . I was made fun of through out elementry & junior high for being over wieght . I starved myself all of 8th & 9th grade . High school is also diffucult considering i'm not smart at school work . I just only hope life will get better . Being a 17 year old lesbian , well makes life that much more difficult ....

Katie's POV

"Mom , you really shouldn't have" my mom just bought me a Demi Lovato tour pass , & backstage passes to every concert in the tour .!

"i mean you really shouldn't have ! How much did this cost you ? How'd you pay for these ?"

"i've been saving up money for a couple years now , i mean she is your idol . You deserve to meet her ."

With that , i tackled my mom in the biggest hug i've ever given her in my life .

"i LOVE YOU" i screamed , "You're the best in the whole world !!!"

I think i might have blown her eardrums by this . She has never done anything so awesome in the whole world . I can truly say i love her , i really do love my mom . No matter how much we fight i love her .

Wait , how did she pay for this ? How am i even going to get to the concerts ? It's a world tour !

"Mom , how am i getting to the concerts ?"

"Well , uhh . That's the thing . I've saved up to pay for your trips to the concerts to . You're driving to the first concert , then after that you get to ride on the tour bus with Demi herself .!"

Fuck . Fuck fuck fuck fuck . How could she do this ? Why ? Why me ? Sure it's anyones dream to ride on the tour bus with thier idol , but i just can't .! Demi's straight ! What if i start to like her ? More then just my idol ? I can't like another straight girl . I just can't .

"are you sure that's a good idea ?" She probably does . Anything to get rid of me .

"Of course it is hunny . You'll be getting to spend alot of time with the inspiration herself !" No shit , i already know that !

"i know ! But you know why it won't be a good idea !"

She just laughed . That bitch !

If Only She Loved Me (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now