The Drive , Concerts , & Tears

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Ugh , this is going to be the longest ride in the world ! It's a 15 hour drive to the first concert .!

A few stops to use the restroom , once to eat Mickey D's , and alot of red lights later , i'm at the concert . Thank god ! I might have drove myself crazy if i had to wait any longer in that car ! 10 minutes later , i found a parking spot . Of course its a stadiam with seats . What's the point of that ? Like people are going to be sitting down anyway . Haha , i laugh at my own thoughts .

I showed the security guards my tour pass & they showed my to my seat . It was the one in the midde of the very first row .

6 songs later , Demi is about to sing her last song of the concert .

"Sky's are crying , i am watching , catching teardrops in my hands . Only silence , as it's ending like we never had a chance ." I sang along as Skyscaper began .

"Do you have to , make me feel like theres nothing left of me ? You can take everything i have , you can brake everything i am , like i'm made of glass , like i'm made of paper , go on & try to tear me down , i will be rising from the ground , like a skyscraper . A skyscraper .!" I was already in tears . This song means so much .

"As the smoke clears , i awaken , & untangle you from me . Would it make you , feel better , to watch me while i bleed ? All my windows still are broken , but i'm standing on my feet . You can take everything i have , you can brake everything i am , like i'm made of glass , like i'm made of paper , go on & try to tear me down , i will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper , like a sky scraper . Go run run run , i'm gonna stay right here , watch you disappear . Go run run run , yeah it's a long way down , but i am closer to the clouds up here ... You can take everything i have , you brake everything i am , like i'm made of glass , like i'm made of paper , go on & try to tear me down , i will be rising from the ground , like a skyscraper , like & skyscraper . Like a Skyscraper ." The final tear shed from my eye , as she finished the song . But when i saw her shed a tear , i shed a few more .

"Thank all you guys for coming out here tonight , all your support means so much . Thankyou ." You could hear her voice braking , that song probably means as much to her as it does to me .

I showed the security my backstage pass , & they let me through . & there she was . Demi Lovato . As stunning as ever . OhMyGosh .

"Hi" i must sound silly .

"Hi sweetheart ," Oh gosh , she called me sweetheart , "Are you okay ?" Huh ? What does she mean am i okay ?

"What do you mean ?"

"Well , it looks like you've been crying hunny ." Oh . Oh yeah , the song duh . I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my jackets sleeve .

"No , i'm fine ." Ha , i must sound rediculus . I must look as bad to .

"Why were you crying then ?" What kind of question is that ?

"Oh , just the song . Skyscraper . It means alot ."

"i know hunny , " her voice was breaking . You could hear it . "i know ."

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