More & More Tears

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This is the biggest bus i've ever seen . One king sized bed towards the back , also this big ass bathroom i'm not sure how they installed in here ... Plus this huge flat screen , & blue ray dvd thing . Over all , very nice place to tour the world in .

"Demi ? Where am i gonna sleep ?" I asked considering there is only one bed .

"On the bed silly ." I couldn't possibly . That's her place to sleep .

"Oh , no . I can't . That's your bed , is it not ?"

"It is ," Duh ! I already knew that , "but i'm willing to share with you ." No . No no no no . It'll be awkward . Considering i'm lesbian . But i'm not lesbian for her , so what does it matter ?

"Oh , that's okay . You don't have to . I could just use a few pillows & blankets for the ground ...." I hope she'll let me ...

"Don't be silly . We'll share ," SHIT , " but hey , wanna watch a movie ?"

"Do you by chance have E.T ?" I must sound stupid .

"Sure do . It's one of my favorites actually ." .............

Demi's POV

"Do you by chance have E.T ?" She asked ... Not so sure if she should have .

"Sure do . It's one of my favorites actually ." I must sound foolish now . Maybe not 'cause she asked if i had it . So she likes the movie to doesn't she ?

It's towards the end of the movie & me & Katie are both in tears now . The older brother has just found E.T on the rocks next to the river . At that sight we both burst out in tears ...... I love this movie 'cause my tears of sadness turn into tears of joy . Such a touching movie .

"Tissue ?"

"Huh ? Oh , thankyou ." How long was i sitting there just thinking ? Couldn't of been that long considering the credits of the movie are still on .

"No problem . We should probably get to sleep ? Maybe we could go sight-seeing tomorrow ?" Why does she always turn everything into a question ? She never sounds to sure of herself when she talks ...

"Sure , sounds great ! Goodnight ."


Katie's POV

"No problem . We should get to sleep ? We could go sight-seeing tomorrow ?" Maybe i shouldn't have said that , more like asked that .... Why can't i be more confident when i talk ?

"Sure , sounds great ! Goodnight ."

"Night" i sighed mentally . I hate this . How come she is so comfortable around me ? Most people are apauled by me & my appearance . I'm so ugly . Plus i have a god awful haircut . Hell , everything about me is so ugly . I wish i could just change everything about myself . I'm hated by everything . People , dogs , cats , everything . Gosh , Demi probably hates me . I mean , she has to share half her tour bus with some stranger who's torn up emotionally . maybe physically to , due to the scars up & down both arms & legs . That's why no matter how hot it is , i wear long-sleeves , a hoodie , & skinnys . Nobody can see my body , i hate to look at myself in the mirror , so why would anybody else want to ? Yeah , exactly . I shouldn't even be lesbian . No guy or girl is ever gonna love me . I shouldn't even live ! Hell , if Demi Lovato herself wasn't next to me i'd be in another cutting session !

"Katie ?" Shit . She's awake ? "Are - Are you crying ?" SHIT

Demi's POV

I hear sniffling . Why is she crying ? It's been an hour now . I would have said something earlier but she's a stranger . I have no idea how she would've reacted .

"Katie ?" She stopped . I could feel her body tense up . "Are - Are you crying ?"

"Huh ? Oh , no . Just a runny nose is all . Don't worry about me . I don't deserve it ." The last sentance was a whisper , so quiet , i barley heard it myself . Her voice is broken . You could hear it . She has definetly been crying . She's barley holding the tears back right now .

"Don't lie to me .." If she lies , we are deffenatly going to have a problem . "Why were you crying ?"

" i'd rather not talk about it ...." She's about to breakdown Demi , give her a damn hug !

"Here , give me a hug . You probably need one ." She waited a couple seconds , but the gave me the hug which i returned . She tensed in my arms , but slowy got comfortably .

"Are you gonna be okay ?" With that , she burst into tears . I'm so stupid . I $houldn't of said anything . "i'm so so so sorry ." I need to apoligize i didn't mean to make her cry ... "i didn't mean to .. I'm sorry " now it's my turn to cry .

She kissed my cheek ...

"Don't cry , it's not your fault . Its never your fault . " she tried too sooth me . "it's not your fault . Don't listen to him . Don't listen . Dad stop ! You're hurting me ! Don't hit me ! I'm sorry !"

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