The Truth Comes Out ...

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Demi's POV

"Katie ! Get out here , i need to pee !" She's been in there 20 minutes , and thats AFTER she tuned the water OFF .

"Go pee outside ..." Crying ? Is she crying ?

"Now , why would I do that , with a perfectly good bathroom right here ?" To much sarcasm ? No . She can take it .

She walked out of the bathroom . Just in time ! I almost peed my pants ! I ran in there quickly . When I got out , I couldn't believe my eyes . She had scars up & down both her legs .

"Oh my god ......" Wow , I didn't think she was troubled ... She seemed so shy & bubbly . My gosh ,

"I know , it's ugly . I needed my sweats so you wouldn't see . So you wouldn't see me , my past . I can leave if you'd like . You know , you don't have to live with the ugly thing i am ...." I ran up & hugged her , she can't talk about herself like that . She's so beautiful ..

"How many are there ?" I want to know .

"86 . That's both legs put together ." She was so open . Like it was nothing .

I grabbed both of her arms & slowly pushed up both her sleeves , & she let me . My god ..... She had scars up & down them also . Some old cuts too . & what scared me , was that she had new ones to . Like , new new ones . Like just barley ! She took her arm out of my grip & reached up & wiped my cheek . I was crying ? Oh well . I want to know everything . About the scars & new ones to .

"Tell me ? About every single scar . & your feelings , & past ? Please . I want to help you through this ."

Katie's POV

Well , here goes nothing . i'm about to tell Demi Lovato everything .

"Well , when I was a little girl , to little to know what was going on , my mom got a boyfriend . His name was Steve . My mom said he was my dad , & I called him that . He stayed with us . He was nice to me . I was nice to him . One day , I was about 4 , I used his work papers to draw him a picture . I drew a big blue flower & a little pink one . I told him I drew a special picture of me & him . It was speacial . We were flowers . He just slapped me . Right acrossed my cheek . He told me that he was sorry afterwords , then picked me up & hugged me . He said sorry . But he touched my thigh , slipped his hand up slowly . I didn't like it do I jumped out of hid arms . He didn't like that & hit me again . When I was 5 he was still with my mom . My mom was at work one day . My dad asked me if I wanted to play a game . I was five . Of course I wanted to play . My dad told me to play , we had to take off our clothes & not tell mommy . I did as I wad told . Because I knew if I didn't he'd hit me . I was then naked , he was to . He walked up to me . he picked me up & set me down on the couch . He kissed my thigh . I didn't like it , but I didn't move . I kept telling myself it's just a game . He kissed up my thigh , until he was to my private . He kissed there to . He did this until I was eight . When I was eight he full on raped me . I mean he got inside me . I felt so gross & used . I couldn't do anything thou . He said if I told anyone , he'd do something so super bad to me . So I didn't . When I was 12 , I started my period . That week was my savior . I got one full week to get away from him . No rape . When I was off my period , he did it again . Except he used a condom . He knew the consequence if he didn't . I knew to . One day , I was forteen . I tried to run away from him . My mom had just left for work , & he was gonna do what he did to me everyday . But I ran out of my room right past him . He didn't like this & he caught me . He through me over his shoulder & took me into the kitchen . He stripped me out of my clothes & set me on the table . He took a knife out of the drawer . I was scared out of my mind , but didn't cry . He walked over to me . He undid his belt buckle , & pulled out his thing . He put the condom on & got inside me . When he was done he put his buisness away & looked at me . He picked the knife up & cut right across my stomache leaving a long line ......" I pulled up my shirt & showed her the scar it left . She gasped & cried harder then she already was . So I continued . "My mom walked in right after he cut me & saw me exsposed . She called police who took him away , they did that shock chair thingy to him . To this day he's dead . I started cutting myself after he died ." I finished . Me & Demi were both in hysterics . I can't believe I told her my childhood .....

"Demi ....." She jumped up & hugged me . "i can leave now ....." I tried to stand up but she didn't Let me .

"Please Stay ."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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