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"Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way."

The first time they saw her, she was fighting on the other side of the battlefield. Helping their enemy. But to say that she didn't catch the eye of Ragnar Lothbrok. It was the clothes she wore, the fact that she was a woman on the other side of the field. Never did he think that after seeing these men who believe in a fake god, would they send a woman to fight. Ragnar wanted to laugh. Seeing her standing there, ax and shield in her hands. She looked out of place with the type of clothes she wore. 

It was only when the fight started that the man was taken back. Watching her go through his men like it was nothing. Ax going through his men like it was the easiest thing in the world. Using the shields to jump around and doing all kinds of tricks. Going as far as jumping on the shoulders of one of his men when they managed to get her to drop her ax. The girl managed to get him to twist his arm up, forcing the man to drop his weapon and stab him in the throat with her dagger.

 The girl managed to get him to twist his arm up, forcing the man to drop his weapon and stab him in the throat with her dagger

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Ragnar watched as she cheered.

After the man dropped dead, and she picked her ax back up. The girl was back fighting. Not wasting any time.

Of course, even with their great warrior, the king was scared, calling for his men to retreat. One of their soldiers having to tap on the blonde girl's shoulder and point back.

Ragnar could see her with her eyes narrowed and obvious pointing to his men. But the soldier either didn't understand or he didn't care, he simply grabbed her arm and dragged her along.

"Wasn't expecting our men to be taken out by a woman on their side." a man spoke beside Ragnar.

"It was a surprise indeed brother... But I doubt she is one of them. Her clothes and style." Ragnar told his brother, Rollo and smirked while shaking his head.

It was then that he and his men went and invaded the kingdom. Taking what they wanted, some men grabbing women and children for slaves. Yet, Ragnar, had his eyes peeled open, hoping to find the women from the battle.


Æsa wasn't from around these parts of England. She came from far away, but when her own warriors' boats had to try to battle their way through a storm. Her body had been tossed out of the boat, and she was washed up onshore. Only to be taken captive and thrown in a cell. Æsa knew many languages, for where she came from she was a princess. Forced to learn different languages of the world. Something that came in handy for the blonde-haired princess.

After being thrown in a cell, Æsa made sure they knew that she wouldn't go down without a fight. She had managed to kill five of their men before they were capable of holding her down and detaining her. That giving the king a clear sign that the woman had to be chained up, so she wouldn't be a threat.

Æsa, of course, enjoyed toying with the English men, she would speak to them in different languages. Pretending that she never knew what they were saying or talking about. Spitting in the faces of the soldiers, lashing at them and even trying to bite at them when they got too close. Æsa did everything to cause them pain. In hopes of escaping.

When the king came to her with the offer of helping them in a battle, in exchange for her freedom. Æsa took it, nodding and shaking hands.

Of course, she never imagined going against her fellow Vikings. People her kingdom was hoping to trade with. Offer their help whenever needed and hope for the same kind of help.

Now here she was, going against them.

Æsa fought, with all her might, taking out the men, being careful. Having sought out who was important and who was dispatchable. Showing what she was capable of, hoping that this would give the king reason enough to not be stupid in throwing her back in a cell.

After what felt like hours of fighting, Æsa was shocked when a soldier came to her. Telling her that they were retreating. Forcing the blonde to go back, Æsa hearing the men they fought come after her, she knew that there were here to raid.

Æsa was able to escape the arms of the soldier and after putting a knife through his chest. Right where his beating heart lies.

Once she was running away from the chaos, knowing damn well that if caught by either side. Her fate would not be pretty. So Æsa stole a cloak and pulled the hood over her head. Being sure to cover her body as she tried to sneak out of the kingdom.

As she was close to the gates, her heart beating hard and fast in her chest. Æsa let out a shriek when a hand gripped on her upper arm.

"You think you can kill our men and escape like it was nothing?" the man who held her arm growled in her ear.

Æsa knew that she was screwed. Next thing she knew her hood was off but a bag was placed over her head.

Before she knew it, Æsa was sitting on a boat and listening to the sound of the men and women load their ships to sail back to their home.

"Ragnar. We caught her... the women who fought against us in battle!" A man shouted. Æsa knowing it was the voice of the man who had caught her.

"She was trying to escape." another laughed, causing a few other men to laugh along with him.

Hearing footsteps, everyone else seemed to have frozen what they were doing. Æsa having no doubt that it was to watch what this Ragnar man was going to do. When the cloth was taken off her head, her blonde hair now a mess, her face, hair, and body still stained with blood. She narrowed her eyes at the man and looked around.

"Fífl!(fool, idiot)" Æsa spat. "Þú dirfist taka mig fasta?(You dare take me captive?)" she hissed at the man.

Ragnar looked shocked at the girl who knew how to speak their language.

"Hver ert þú?(Who are you?)" he asked, holding his sword up to her neck.

"I am Æsa... and you will let me go, slápr!(a good-for-nothing, lazy person)"

Ragnar just laughed along with his people. Putting the cloth back over her head. Æsa cursed and sat there. Cloak still wrapped around her shoulder, keeping her sheltered from the cold winds.

It wasn't long before she rested her head back against the boat and closed her eyes. Seeing as her hands and feet were tied together, there was nothing she could do. So Æsa fell asleep.


Chapter One!! Word Count: 1,157! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think! <3 


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