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Warning: A bit of smut.

"Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge

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"Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge...but I would give far more."

To say she expected the long wait for her people to come would be a lie. Æsa wondered what had happened and why it was taking so long for them to arrive and help her escape from this place.

"Something is wrong... they should have come by now." The girl spoke as she paced back and forth in the cabin. Both Floki and Helga watched the girl. 

The three became close in the past few weeks. Sharing a bed and sharing body heat at night as well. The couple calling upon the girl on more than one occasion to join them in bed. She went happily, Helga being gorgeous and Floki had a certain charm. That and the man knew what to do with those fingers. Being a boatbuilder really paid off. He could get a girl to come in seconds if he really paid attention to the task. With him and Helga, Æsa found herself happily pleased on more than one occasion.

But that afternoon, she was tense, worried, and didn't know what to do. Neither Helga nor Floki could calm her. 

"I'm sure they're trying to get as many people to come to your rescue. Nothing to worry about." Helga said from where she sat on Floki's lap.

Leaning against a wall, rubbing a hand over her face. Æsa stood straight. 

"You are right." She spoke softly and went to gather some clothes and a long piece of cloth. 

"I'm going to head over to the river. Wash up a bit, allow the two of you to have some alone time." She smiled at the couple. The people who took her in and became her friends. Kissing the top of Helga's head, Æsa grabbed her things and left. 

Walking through the woods and off to the clearing where a river and waterfall was. The day was a warm one, though Æsa knew that winter would be coming soon. Meaning she would need to find a way to go home or else she was stuck here. Not that she minded having Helga and Floki around her, but she feared that she would be overstepping her stay. 

Reaching her destination, Æsa was glad to find it empty. So slipping off her clothes. Making sure they were folded carefully to the side on a rock. She grabbed the bar of soap and made her way into the water. Shivering at the cold water as she went further in. Washing her body, just enjoying the quietness of everything around her. Æsa couldn't help but hum to herself. Getting lost in her thoughts and enjoying the time to herself.

By the time she finished washing her body, she dove under the water and resurfaced a few feet away. Brushing her hair back and away from her face. Æsa never noticed the sounds of twigs snapping, never heard the gasp of a man as they stood behind her on the grass watching her. 

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