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"We live to fight another day"

The trip had been a long one, at one point, a man with black under his eyes took the cloth covering her face. Of course, Æsa had to blink a few times, her eyes having been used to the darkness and was now facing the sunlight. 

"Tell me... which god do you believe in?" the man asked, leaning in a little too close to her liking.

"I believe in the gods Odin, Thor, Freya, and Loki. May them watch over me and strike you all down for capturing me in such a way." Æsa also leaned forward. Her blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

"A believer of our own gods... you might not be a slave after all. Then again, you might just get sentenced to death. That'll make everything easier." the man giggled.

"It is not wise for you to speak such threats." Another man spoke, his hair longer, eyes narrowed. "We could still easily kill you and toss your dying body into the ocean."

Throwing her head back, letting out a loud laugh, catching the eyes of those around her, including Ragnar. Æsa spoke loud and clear.

"May Aegir and Njord take my body and that the valkyries and Odin allow me passage into Valhalla! If I shall die, let Ran come and take these men with me!" 

"You, on the other hand, might want to be careful. Killing an innocent who was forced into battle to win her freedom. That doesn't sound like an act that will send you to Valhalla." Æsa added, still laughing. Floki soon joining her.

No one spoke, the only sounds coming from the waves hitting the boat. They all watched her shocked by her words. Even their Earl, Ragnar was at a loss for words.


Looking away as the blonde started to sing, Rollo was quick to get up and go talk to his brother. An act that didn't go unnoticed by their prisoner.

"She has cursed us and made it so we go down with her if we plan to kill her!" Rollo hissed to Ragnar. 

"Simple brother. We kill her once we land!" Ragnar said as if it was so easy. Like his plan would work. He was sure of it.

But as those words left his mouth, thunderstruck and lightning flashed across the sky and the men looked over at the girl. 

Ragnar called over his friend and placed a hand on Floki's shoulder. 

"What do you think we should do with the girl?" Earl Ragnar asked.

Laughing, Floki tilted his head to the side. "I think you should chain her up in front of our people and punish her for killing our men... surely if we do not kill her. Only make her pay for her kills. The gods should not have a problem with that." 

Both Rollo and Ragnar stopped to think about the other man's words. Surely he is right. So they agreed while a storm was clearly coming. 

"We have come to the conclusion, we shall spare your life. But you will pay for killing my men. You have the gods to thank for us deciding on a sentence so lightly." Ragnar spoke, not fearing the smirk on the women's face.

"It seems like you made the right decision, Ragnar Lothbrok," she replied and tilted her head to the side.

"Funny how you know my name, yet we have yet to learn yours!" he said, stepping closer to the woman that, was tied up. 

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