"I Love You"

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"You're not leaving." I state, blocking the front door and grabbing a bag from Amelia.

She doesn't say anything. Instead, reaching for the black bag in my hand.

"Amelia." I growl, frustrated.

"I don't want to be around you right now." She huffs, again reaching for the bag.

Having had enough I chuck it across the foyer. "You're not leaving until we discuss why you're suddenly in a hurry to get out of here."

"Your home life isn't exactly ideal." She grumble giving me a pointed look and I groan. She apparently heard part of my conversation with Avery.

"What?" Meghan frown, turning to me. "You said that?"

"I'm not even going to answer that." I glare at her. Guess who just won stupid question of the year award.

"He didn't. Some young raven-haired beauty did. Right before she tried to seduce him, and she didn't have to try hard."

"Avery was here." I tell Meghan, when she turns to me for an explanation.

She turns up her nose at the name. "Ugh, I hate that girl."

"I fired her." I look back at Amelia. "That's what I was saying you didn't need to know about, I fired her."

She meets my look with a questionable frown.
"Then why would you say it like it would be a secret?"

"Because you would never let him fire Avery." Meghan answers for me and I watch Amelia's frown deepen.

"Did I know she acted like that?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust and despite the situation I chuckle.

"You did. You would always tell me we don't know what her home life is like. Maybe she needs the job you would say. She's been rehired multiple times."

"You trust Cameron." Meghan adds after me. "You have always trusted his love for you and you need to continue to do that."

Amelia nods, continuing to frown as she looks at me. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I sigh, forcing a smile.

"It's not." Her frown deepening. "I- I just don't know how to trust you. I trusted Ryan," Her douchebag ex-boyfriend's name cause my fists to clench. "and apparently he cheated."

"I'm not Ryan!" My shout comes out louder than I mean it to, causing Amelia to take a step back.

"Woah, Cameron," I feel Meghan grab my arms and it crushes me that Amelia looks terrified. "Go calm down." Meghan tugs me toward the hall that leads to my office. "I'll talk to her."

Forty-five minutes later, after I've paced a hole onto the rug beside my desk, the door opens and I stop.

Amelia has a serious look on her face. "I want to hear about the first time you told me you loved me. Meghan says I need to just ask about whatever I have questions about." She explains after noticing my confusion to her off the wall question.

"Which time?" I ask her , sitting on the far right of the black couch.

"The first time."

"Which first time?" I grin at her lost look. Technically the first time was in the letter but I won't be telling her about that. "The very first time I thought you were sleeping. Or there was the first time you heard it and I was too drunk to remember the next morning. Or do you want to hear about the first time I said it and you said it back."

"All those times." She answers, moving to sit on the far left. "Tell me about all those times."

"Okay, they're all asleep." I sigh, falling onto the couch. "Do you want to take sifts?" I ask an exhausted looking Amelia. We've had the kids for six months and this is the first time they've all been sick.

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