"As Long As You Are Mine"

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*Cameron is about to get a little more unrealistic*

"A gift."  The annoying red head hands me a manila envelope just I finish tying my mint tie which matches her dress that's brushes the floor.

"A gift?" I take it from her hands and she grins. "That's a suspicious look."

"I'm going to leave you alone with your gift." She spins away, her secret grin scaring me.

I tip the envelope and a photo slips out.

Holy shit.

My soon to be wife in my bed, in nothing but one of my white dress shirts has me falling into the chair next to me and loosening the tie I just put on.

This is the most skin I've seen on her, or anyone for that matter, and my body starts to roar approval.

I quickly set the photo down before grabbing it and looking at it again.

I groan leaves the back of my throat and my eyes close.

I can almost imagine the warmth of her skin on my hands.

"Close your eyes." A voice calls and I grin.

"They're closed." I call in return and I hear the door open.

"You look so hot." I hear Amelia's voice and I chuckle, lifting the picture in my hands. "Not as hot as you."

"Did you like it?" She suddenly whispers in my ear, a shiver runs through me.

"You have no idea."

She smiles against my ear. "Good. If I have to compete with the other woman you've been with I'd like a good start."

My eyes open automatically as a frown covers my face.

"Cameron!" She screams, trying to shield her body, hide her gown.

She really does look like an angel this time.

It's a sleeveless chiffon gown with a lace 'halter', as Amelia called it, top.

"You look like a dream come true."

"Cameron! You weren't supposed to look!" She crosses her arms, pouting. "We're gonna have bad luck now." Her voice is whiney and I roll my eyes.

"Amelia, I've been chasing you for almost ten years." I quirk a brow at her. "I can handle some bad luck. But I needed to see your face to see if you were serious."

"About what?"

"Competing." I clarify, there is no competing.

"Well not for your love but..." She pauses.

"But what?"

"I don't know what I'm doing in the honeymoon area...?" She winces, flushing, and if I weren't so shocked I would laugh.

"Wait you've never?" Sex is something we've both decided not to talk about, but I've always assumed she and Ryan...

"No." She mutters, looking down. "Is that a problem?"

"Amelia," I don't even know what to say. Pride surges through me. "You and Ryan never..?"

She shakes her head, still looking down.

"You know I haven't either right?"

Her head snaps up and for a moment only shows pure shock shows before she glares.

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