OPR - 2

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With his sharp eagle like eyes OverPossessive Raizada stood straight looking down from the floor to ceiling transparent windows of his cabin. This aerial view of AR interiors gave him the spectacular opportunity to keep an eye on each and every action of his employees. But this morning his  calculative inhuman gaze analyzed each person that entered the official premises. The dangerous monster within him craved for only one person. Khushi Kumari Gupta.

And after last night his insides screamed with a blatant desire to be around his red painted trophy aka Khushi. But the key question is why is she not here yet? Its 9 am already for crying out loud. One by one people started to fill in with no sign of her.

Turning impatient OPR banged his fist on the glass making the workers downstairs jolt in fear. They were really worried for their jobs now. While the Boss in question was still enraged due to Khushis absence. Where is She?!? His Alpha self demanded.

While on the opposite end of his mind a furious ASR began to pace back and forth feeling livid with the current situation. His own controlling, dark and overpossessive alterego was proving to be tough day by day.

You can continue to stay in denial, but I wont be calm for long...
OPR claimed with pride to an already beserk ASR.

Stop this nonsense. How dare you control my well organized life???
ASR screeched in anger. Even after facing defeat from the hands of the animal he still had the courage to loose his temper.

Madness flooded the senses of his new obsessive self. OPR openly thrashed within the confines of ASRs mind expressing his sheer displeasure. Fortunately a knock on the door paused the impending mental battle between the two Raizadas. Gripping his hair to compose himself a little ASR simply muttered a come in.

Hey ASR. I am so excited about today. Its Day 4 of that Chamkeeli's contract right...I wonder..

Lavanya went on and on with full enthusiasm practically hopping on the spot with the idea of bringing down Khushis courage. She was too distracted to see the onslaught of Overpossessive Raizada.

But come hell or high water this dark Raizada was adamant on protecting his Beauty. Lavanya chattered away and missed how OPRs lips twitched in hatred, the dark eyes that loathed her every word and the ferocious low growl that escaped his mouth.

His beastly self roared aloud making the girl shudder with fear accompanied by a high dose of numbness.

The entire office shook as they felt the tremors of their Boss's violent side. That shout clearly meant one thing. The brutal end of someone. Not many were aware that this destructive ASR was now held in the mental grasp of an Over possessive creature.

Leave my office. You. Are. Fired. GET OUT.

The outraged freak stood proudly gazing through the glass walls at all the cowards of AR. He did not feel, even an ounce of sympathy for the weeping girl who had dared to insult his Khushi. In the midst of all this the animal missed the entry of the quiet and timid Khushi Gupta.


A hyperventilating Khushi felt really nervous for being 10 minutes late. She was expecting a brutal speech by ASR for her lateness, totally forgetting about the other side of his that she witnessed yesterday. However, someoneelse was facing the screams of Mr. Raizada when she reached her cubicle. Curiosity got the better of her and she too gazed at the transparent den of her evil Boss.

The sight that welcomed her made her hazel orbs widen in surprise. ASR was giving a teary Lavanya Kashyap his infamous third degree. And when his horrendous phrase 'Get Out' reached her ears Khushi Gupta involuntarily gasped in reaction.

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