OPR - 15

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Continued from the last chapter...

Nani’s house felt like home to her new caretaker Khushi Kumari Gupta. For the first time in months, she felt the Lucknow vibe somewhere else other than her Buaji’s place. She even made new friends who shared the same zest towards life like her. Especially Nanijis grand daughter Anjaliji who warmed up to her very quickly.

So after taking a tour of the big mansion with Anjaliji, Khushi felt the need to discuss it all with Arnav. So walking down the stairs the woman decided to call her man.

The two spoke to each other and for once Khushi was too eager to meet her beloved. Thankfully the distance was helping and she was discovering a strange steadiness between them. They chatted for some time about everything and nothing.

Pretty soon it was time to say goodbye and Khushi was about to hang up on Mr. Raizada but he beat her to it. The man ended the call with a compliment that left her all baffled.

You are looking really beautiful sweetheart!

Rather than blushing as usual Khushi’ stood very still on the last of the steps. Her mind flashed back to the time when Arnav had seen her dancing in AR through the CCTV. Thousands of doubts emerged in her mind and Khushis keen eyes tried to look for any clue of what was happening around her. 

The perplexed woman tried to think of all the scenarios but came up with nothing. But then she jogged down the memory lane recalling how Arnav had once fooled her in a similar manner. At that time she was in the pantry full of employees and Arnav had texted her creating a camouflage of his presence. Coming back to the present she scoffed at him. 

With an exaggerated huff, Khushi Gupta messaged him with her quick fingers and then sauntered to Naniji’s room in a calm and composed manner. This time no over-possessive Raizada will fool her. Or so she thought.


Mr. Over Possessive Raizada I am not a fool. Your stupid tricks won't work on me anymore. Seems to me that you have a lot of free time on your hands huh? Go and bother Mrs. Aman Raizada. I am too busy for this nonsense.

Sitting calmly on his favorite recliner Arnav Singh Raizada chuckled out loud as he read the colorful text sent by the object of his affection. His naive Khushi took his words for nothing more than a trick that he had played on her a few weeks back. The lady had yet to uncover the dark swirls of ideas that flooded his mind ever so often. Feeling a little naughty he replied to her message.

He was in love with this game of hide and seek that Khushi played so enthusiastically . The dark creature knows it pretty well that this facade will fade in a while and soon he will have to put out all of his cards on the table.

But till then he has every right to enjoy these little chunks of affection that Khushi throws at him. He quickly typed in what he wanted to say and then pressed the sent button. Knowing that his woman might be busy with Nani and Mami he opened his laptop to check some important accounts and mails.


....and Khushi Bitiya now everyone is scared of my Saasuma. But you see all of this is just a mask that she puts on to face the world. In reality, Saasuma has a great sense of humor.

When Mamiji praised her mother in law with such enthusiasm Khushi could not help but smile at Naniji. Mamijis stories made her recall the one incident of AR Designs that still makes her laugh. That one time when Khushi broke her desk and Arnav cursed his Boss cum wife Aman Rathod.


....How dare he say to me that the new desk will be delivered by monday? MONDAY?!? SERIOUSLY??? That lazybones, sleepyhead, good for nothing, couch potato....

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