Loki ~ Queen of Asgard

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You walked into the huge throne room, everything looked incredibly expensive and regal. It made you feel out of place in your simple jeans and hoodie. You followed behind Thor quietly while looking around the room in awe

You had accidentally, totally unintentionally, maybe kind of picked up Mjolnir. You really didn't mean to, Tony was just pissing you off and you wanted to throw something at him and the nearest thing was Thor's hammer and well, now it looks like your going to be queen of Asgard

"Father" Thor bowed at the Throne Where Odin was sitting wearing a crown. You curtsied but not very gracefully, almost falling over

"Who is this Midgardian you have brought son?" Odin said, looking at you like he wanted to squish you. You squirmed

"Father, This lady I bring before you, she... well she-" he couldn't seem to finish his sentence and kept stumbling over his words

"Brother, are you at a loss for words? What has happened?" A handsome man wearing green and black strode into the room, like he owned the place. You watched him walk across the room, and then noticed he was looking at you too. You quickly turned away

"Loki this does not concern you" Thor said, and Loki lifted his arms up and stepped back.

"Well you see I kind of lifted mew - mew. Or however you pronounce that" Odins eyes grew wide

"Impossible!" Odin said, at the same time Loki said "Incredible.."

Thor looked over at you and smiled, making you feel less uncomfortable. You were surprised he hadn't gotten mad when he saw you with Mjølnir in your hand.

"I Cannot believe it until I see it with my own eyes" Odin leaned back into his char and motioned his hand as if saying "Go on"

Thor but his hammer on the floor and stepped back, giving you a thumbs up. You gulped and wrapped your fingers around the hammers handle, taking a deep breath before lifting it up. It was as light as a feather, and the look on Odins face was priceless. Loki on the other hand looked quite amused and impressed,

Odin cleaeed his throat, "We'll have these matters settled the proper way. Loki, if you would take this girl-"

"(Y/n)." You said

"Right. Take (y/n) to get dressed into something more proper and then take her to to court room." Odin got up in a rush and exited the room,

"My lady, if you would follow me please" he filed out the room and you followed him

"You looked quite amused out there" you caught up to him, walking down a big hallway.

"Yes well, it's not ever day I get to see my father with that face. He looked quite mad" he chuckled and you twisted the corner of your hoodie

"You really think he was mad? I don't think I should be the Queen anyways" you tried to think of ways you could get out of this. You couldn't be queen of Asgard. You had school and a job and-

"Yes I don't think you are qualified to be queen of Asgard," Loki interrupted your thoughts, "but I do think you would look quite lovely in a queens gown"

You blushed and looked down, trying to hide it. You did not want to be queen of Asgard, at least not right now. But maybe in time. Maybe with your king. Loki, King of Asgard and (y/n), Queen of Asgard

Maybe some day.


Hey guys! I wrote this one at like 3:00 am so I' don't really think it's that well written, but it was a fun idea. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know if you saw a mistake or something, Love y'all!

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