Part 14 - In the gutter

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Millie picked up Dex' t-shirt from the balcony floor, Dex had gone in for a shower, feeling very cold and exposed now the heat of the moment was over she put his T-shirt on and leant over the balcony looking out over the city. At nearly 1am there were still people on the street below, it was strange to her, in her home city the streets would be quiet by this time. She stood silently for a while just watching. She heard someone on the balcony next door and being nosey by nature she quickly glanced over, a guy was sat in the corner she quickly looked away before he clocked her. As she turned back to the view of the city the image she'd just seen for a split second began to register.

Oh my god that guys shooting up! Millie had never seen anyone do that before, it made her feel really uncomfortable. She poked her head around the sliding door to tell Dex but she could still hear the shower running. She didn't feel safe out there alone anymore with a junkie on the other side of a thin wall, she instantly assumed he would be trouble. She quickly grabbed all of their clothes they'd strewn about earlier, taking one more quick glance at the guy before heading inside.

She stopped in her tracks.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She exclaimed

The guy jumped, dropping his needle.

"Oh for fuck sake" he raged, leaning to pick it up, he struggled to reach it with the end of a belt he was using as a tourniquet in his mouth,

it was Jesse!

"Just fuck off Millie, it's none of your business!" He blasted, clearly really angry at her, he picked up the needle and continued to try to get it into his arm, she couldn't believe what she was seeing!

"Actually it is my business, you're putting my boyfriend and his career and a load of other people's careers at risk!" She replied, half whispering and half raging, not wanting Dex to hear them if he had gotten out of the shower she knew Dex would be destroyed to see his friend doing that.

"Just keep your mouth shut, then no one will know" blasted Jesse

He picked up all this stuff, arm still in tourniquet and went back inside, slamming the sliding doors shut.

Millie could feel the anger in her like a pressure wanting to burst out from her chest, she picked up the last of their clothes from the floor and carried it all inside, as she pulled back the curtain to the room, Dex was led on the bed in a towel

"Alright babe?" he asked. Millie nodded

"Are you sure?" he added, she was a little pale, the colour having drained from her face, her expression that of worry thought Dex.

"Yeah I'm fine" she tried to brush it off, avoiding eye contact she went straight to the bathroom, her heart was racing, thumping against her rib cage.

"I'm going to have a shower" she called to him, already in the bathroom.

She stood in the shower, the hot water trickled down her face, closing her eyes she sighed. Hoping to wash the feeling she had away with the water, a feeling of impending doom, she knew this wasn't going to end well and she felt sick for Jesse, how could he fill his body with that shit, she thought of Cat, knowing she would be absolutely heartbroken if it were Dex.
She had no idea whether to tell Dex or not. Did he already know anyway and was just keeping quiet for Jesse. Cat said he did drugs at home, did she mean this?! This didn't even cross Millie's mind!
Maybe this was normal, it wasn't normal in Millie's life but perhaps it was in a touring musicians life, maybe it wasn't a big deal?
Millie was lost in thought, her mind in a battle with itself as to whether she should tell Dex.

She hated Jesse and wanted him out of the band, she didn't want that kind of stuff around Dex but at the same time she knew Dex had been friends with him since way before she came along and thought perhaps she should stay out of it. She hated knowing anything and wished she hadn't seen anything

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