Part 41 - I'm done

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Walking down the corridor to her room Millie could feel her heart racing in her chest. She wasn't sure if it was because of what just happened or the fact that she'd just ran up from the beach as wasn't very fit! She took some deep breaths, trying to calm herself down before she got to her room. She looked up from the floor, spotting Lilia coming out of one of the rooms at the opposite end of the corridor,

Great! Our rooms next to Jesse and Lilia's!Thought Millie, wanting to avoid them both!

Lilia came out of one room and went into one opposite. Millie thought it was a little bit odd.

As she got closer to her room her heart rate increased further and she heaved, putting her hands over her mouth, feeling like she was going to be sick as she realised Lilia had just come out from her and Dex's room!

Millie fought back tears as she used her key card to open the door. Dex was stood in his boxer shorts, writing something on his phone.

No doubt letting Lilia know that they were close to being caught but got away with it

Millie prepared herself for the argument she knew was about to ensue.

"Hey babe" Said Dex, smiling. Millie could feel the rage building in her chest but she wasn't sure how to approach the subject.

"Hey, I thought you'd be asleep" Said Millie

"I waited up for you" Dex replied, Millie smiled a fake smile.

Millie sighed heavily, she was going to have to be more direct if she wanted the truth.

"What was Lilia doing in here?" Asked Millie boldly

"Lilia, uh.. I asked her to come over for a chat" Explained Dex. Millie was taken a back, that wasn't the answer she was expecting! His smile suddenly faded, replaced an expression Millie wasn't sure she'd ever seen on Dex before. He looked angry and for the first time she felt a little scared of him.

"But before you start accusing me of anything with Lilia, do you want to tell me what's going on with you and Jesse?" Asked Dex, looking a little smug that he knew.

Millie panicked, completely caught off guard she felt instantly sick again, she swallowed hard, attempting to keep the contents of her stomach down. Her heart was pounding in her chest, a sharp pain stabbed her in her chest, her legs were like jelly, bucking beneath her as she fought hard to stay standing.

"What?!" She replied quietly. Her guilty tone of voice told Dex everything he needed to know.

"Oh don't Millie! For fuck sake just tell me the truth!" Snapped Dex. Millie began to cry

"The waterworks aren't going to get you off the hook" he exclaimed

Millie was silent for a moment, she couldn't bring herself to say the words. The words that she knew were about to destroy him, to destroy his friendship with Jesse and end their relationship.

She stared at the floor

"There's nothing going on between me and Jesse" sobbed Millie

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME AMELIE!" Yelled Dex. As he threw her phone that he'd been holding at the wall, smashing it into several pieces. She'd never seen him so mad, she coward on one side of the bed, crying uncontrollably.

"I've just seen a fucking text from him!" Blasted Dex

"Something like I'm sorry if I came on too strong tonight, I've just wanted to do that for so long, I'll talk to you tomorrow babe, love Jess!!" Dex recalled the message he'd just seen in a sarcastic mocking tone

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