Part 23 - Surprise

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Millie hated coming home to an empty house especially now that the evenings were beginning to get darker earlier and with Amber's shift patterns and staying over at her boyfriends they were rarely at home at the same time.
But worse than the darkness was the silence. With no one to talk to it forced Millie deeper and deeper into her own thoughts.
Thoughts of the exciting career she had ahead of her buried underneath layers and layers of worry and anxiety about Dex. He was the most important thing in her life, it almost made everything she had worked for and everything she had achieved at work seem unimportant on the scale of things.
She still had that feeling, the sinking heaviness in the pit of her stomach, knowing this wasn't over, there was still an argument to be had, still questions unanswered and still doubt in her mind as to what the truth really was and if she could actually trust him. She wanted to trust him, she really wanted to trust him but the doubt niggled away at her mind constantly every second that they were apart.

She put her bag down on the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, opening a drawer she pulled out the take away menus and sifted through them, she couldn't be bothered to cook just for herself.
Deciding on pizza she called the store and placed her order. After tidying away all of the take away leaflets strewn across they counter top she went to get changed out of her work clothes.

Walking back through the hallway to go upstairs she passed the front door, looking down at her phone she caught a glimpse of a shadow in the glass pain of the front door, she looked up, heart racing. There was a man at the door, he knocked.

Millie didn't know whether to answer it or hide and pretend she wasn't home. Except the door was unlocked, if whoever it was wanted to harm her they'd just walk right in whether she answered it or not.
She cautiously stepped towards the door and opened it an inch, a sick feeling overwhelmed her as every possible scenario ran through her mind.

"What are you doing here?" She exclaimed, shocked, but relieved!
"Hey. Can I come in?" He smiled
"Of course" she replied, stepping back she opened the door wider.
"What are you doing here?" She asked smiling, as he wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed her in tight. The smell of him, it was like nothing she could ever explain. The nervous sick feeling in her stomach replaced with excitement she completely forgot that she was mad at him.
"I didn't feel like I could explain myself properly over the phone, I don't like you being mad at me" he explained, his sad puppy dog eyes pulling on her heart strings.
"Oh" she replied
"I've literally only got like 4 hours though, I have to fly back to New York just after midnight" he explained, with a frown.
"You flew all the way from New York for basically dinner with me and then you're flying right back?" Questioned Millie
"Uh huh" he nodded
"You're fucking crazy, you know that?" Smiled Millie, genuinely baffled why anyone would do that.
"Not just dinner" Dex smiled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Millie laughed.

"I've ordered Pizza, If you want some? But I need to get out of these work clothes first" she said
"I can help you with that" smiled Dex, raising his eyebrows playfully.
Millie took his hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom.
Dex laid down on her bed, propping himself up with his arms folded behind his head, a seductive smile across his face he watched as Millie stood in front of her wardrobe, sifting through clothes.
"Can you unzip me please" she asked, struggling to reach the zip on the back of her black pencil dress.
"Absolutely!" Dex joked, jumping up from the bed, he walked over to her and slowly began to pull down the zip, he stepped into her, pushing himself up against her back. Looking her in the eye in the mirror on the wardrobe door in front of them.
He tilted his head into her neck letting his warm breath graze her neck, his lips just millimetres from her skin. Her body shivered involuntarily as she watched him in the mirror. Her heart began to race with his touch as he ran his index finger slowly down her back in the gap between the open zip to the base of her spine. Millie exhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath, trembling, her legs began to feel weak. He slowly pulled down the sleeves of her dress, pulling it a little until the dress fell to the floor.

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