━ ten. girls like lily evans

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- girls like lily evans -

FOR MAYBE THE FOURTH TIME IN THE last ten minutes, Madeline read over the note James gave her after she told him about the meeting she would be having with Lily Evans, aka the girl he was totally and completely in(fatuated) love with. Her first instinct had been to deny the invitation sent via owl from Lily, and instead study for her end of unit exam in Transfigurations, but after James's whining and begging and all around Jamesness, Madeline relented. But of course, that hadn't been enough for James, no, he needed to make sure Madeline said everything just right.

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Lazily flipping through her Charms textbook and drumming her fingers against the desk, Madeline was mentally kicking herself in the face for not bringing her Transfigurations notes to study while she waited. Instead she brought her Charms essay which she had already finished and was re-reading for maybe the seventh time (you could never be too careful when it comes to editing, right?). She was bored and irritated and confused and everything in between as she couldn't figure out for the life of her why she had accepted Lily's invitation to meet and why she brought this stupid note from James to read her. Maybe the Marauders's potion did more damage than Madame Pomfrey thought.

If you had told Madeline a year ago that she'd be waiting for James Potter's crush in the library to talk to her for him, she would have scoffed, called you a liar, and may have even considered checking you in to the hospital wing.

     "So sorry I'm late!" A frazzled Lily appeared seemingly out of nowhere with messy hair, a loose tie, and a half tucked in shirt.

"It's fine. Only waited twenty minutes..." Madeline wasn't even gonna try and hide her annoyance. What is it with Gryffindors and wasting her time?

Lily smiled apologetically. Even with a messy attire, she was gorgeous. Somehow that irritated Madeline even more.

     "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just... lost track of time, I guess." Lily's eyes lit up and a hint of a smile crawled its way onto her face, like she had told a joke only she understood.

     Madeline shifted awkwardly. It felt like she was intruding in on a moment she wasn't supposed to see, something private between Lily and only Lily. Maybe the rumors about her and Brendon Lee weren't so far from the truth....

     "Anyways," Lily took a breath, "how are you?" She had asked the question effortlessly, like it was a normal part of any conversation. Madeline wasn't used to being addressed so casually. People usually found her intimidating.

     "I'm perfectly fine." A moment of silence. "Uh, how—how are you?" Socializing wasn't exactly Madeline's forte, in case that wasn't painfully obvious.

     "I'm good, a little stressed about McGonagall's test this week, but other than that, I'm pretty good." Lily brushed her bangs out of her eyes, only for them to fall back in place. She sighed in irritation. "If these bangs don't stop, I swear to—"

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