Acceptince into hell

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(Ok This is not based off anything but some guest characters will be most of them are just ones I make up)

Y/n was on a school trip to Alaska for his last day there, he was being transferred to an academy the next day, he so hoped he had gotten into ares, it was one of the top tear schools, only the best went there, not to mention it was an all boys school because he was terrified of girls.

He thought for a second, he had been taught to hunt monsters, had seen them kill people, yet they usually didn't scare him, but girls......even the nice ones were hard to talk to

He shook his head, never mind that he thought, they were in a class trip to see a basilisk, his job was to cut it off if it Trieste run, usually that would be incredibly dangerous but do to him being a rider it wasn't as much for him

He was able to change into a spirit of justice, it was a rare gift and a good one, even though our demonic allies hated the riders, even after the great peace between humans and demons riders still pissed them off. Luckily I probably won't ever have to work with any demons in my near future, and far hopefully.

He saw his class mates using various swords and axes to attack the giant snake as to charged towards his position, he smiles and draws his bow out and pointed it at the snake firing but missing its eye and hitting its side

He had only pissed the snake off it whips it's tail around hitting everyone away until our teach mr. Arnold beheaded the thing in one axe swing

"Well done class, you might have had that one "

He gets everyone back on the buss and takes them dropping each one at Their home, every one said good bye to him, even some of the girls who usually don't talk to him, to everyone he stuttered out a "b-b-bye" making some people laugh

He was the last stop, the buss pulled up at his home, the youth home that he shared with two other orphans his age

He walked in to see his friend Alex who smiles and gives him a high five

"Hey my man, guess what?"

Alex held out a letter that had a stylized A on it

Y/ns eye widened
"No way, it must be from ares"

He grabbed the letter and thanked the other boy before running up to his room

He sat for a little bit before ripping open the letter and was shocked by what he found, I read
"Dear y/n

We are pleased to announce that you have been excepted to Athena academy, one of the top combat schools in the world, we will see you at 6:30 tomorrow morning, please be well dressed and ready to meet your head master. You are expected to bring your own clothes and weapons if you have any. We thank you for applying

Athena academy "

Y/n was incredibly confused, he didn't remember ever applying, he had never even heard of a Athena academy

"W-w-what the h-hell?"
He look at it again, listed are when and where and what buss he would get on in the morning, he really needed sleep so he laid down and fell into a monster haunted sleep

The next day he woke up at four in the morning, he packed all of his almost nothing belongs into one bag and left the house

The buss was there on the exact minute his letter had said it would, the ride was a long boring one as he had about nothing to do but watch his guilty pleasure anime that nobody knew he had and would never find out if he had his way

He also read stories online
(This marks word count at 666)

When the buss stopped he realized he had been the only one on the buss the whole time

He got off and looked at the enormous building in front of him, he was a little scared, but he decided he could do this, that was until he read the words on the front of the building

Athena academy: combat school for demonic girls

His heart dropped and his mind raced
This can't be right

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now