Standing At Cliff's Edge

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Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding - Outside

Fire's out, what do you want to be?

Now I'm holding on

Myself was never enough for me

Gotta be so strong

There's a power in what you do


Eyes clenched shut, the wind whistled through your ears, the darkness shrouding your vision even when your eyes were open. Weightless, almost, but heading towards the earth below, unable to grasp anything as it all shot past.

This was undoubtedly the end.

Or so, you had thought.


Pain raced up your legs like wildfire as you crumpled onto the stone floor, your head laying on the cold surface before the gloom took back its claim on your vision.

Falling, darkness, abyss.



When your eyes fluttered open, a figure stood slightly leaning over you, somewhat blurred before you narrowed your eyes, dizzied from the recent ''experience''. Focusing a bit, the lines cleared.

Above stood a boy with earthy-brown skin and shaggy-coal hair along with cedar brown eyes, looking down at your injured form. His mouth twisted into a frown, briefly looking away from you.

You scrunched up your nose, as the strong scent of tea hit your senses.

''You know, Sensei, you wanted me to become a ninja, but I'm sure this isn't part of my training.'' The boy looked back at you, as another but lighter-skinned and older man with a long white beard and conical straw hat came closer to you. He was the one who stunk of tea, weirdly enough.

''What happened?" Was the first question to exit your lips. You hadn't expected it but hey, your curiosity needed to be taken care of. As well as of course, your bleeding leg-

Oh, yeah that. Attempting to sit up to inspect it, the older man pushed you back down. ''You fell, and broke both of your legs.'' How could the man be so straightforward? ''Cole, would you be so kind to help? Since I am an old man, it would be wise to respect your elders.''

A slight humourous look in the old man's eye was directed to the dark-skinned boy, who looked between you and the ''Sensei'', seemingly suppressing a groan before coming forward, pulling you up into his arms, where you winced. He didn't seem to notice as he began walking out, with the old man in tow.


The three of you ended up at a place that looked to be a monastery at the top of a mountain, with white outer walls with black tiles situated on the tops, red accentuating the parts below the tiles and a large gate that promptly opened as your group approached.

Two people already were inside, wearing black ninja gi, who turned to face 'Wu', the old man as he walked in.

''Sensei Wu!'' Spoke one of the two, pulling off his mask. He had short, straight, reddish-brown hair with freckles sprinkled here and there on his face, along with a notch on his right eyebrow and light skin. His electric-blue eyes seemed to sparkle when he looked at you and the other boy who was yet to reveal his name.

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