Within The Undercurrent

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Fin Argus - Ship in a Bottle

I feel scared and I'm starting to sink

And I only sink deeper the deeper I think

Oh, captain, make up your mind

Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time

'cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain

And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane

A/N: Added some lore, and let's just say Dr Julien lives past S2. : )

On feathered wings, a bird flew above the sand, soaring past all who stood below. Near it, The Falcon took off, heading over the waters towards the Dark Island, gradually growing distant before its form was swallowed up in the shadows of the stormy clouds looming on the horizon.

The two birds flew in opposite directions, the feathered bird setting off to the remains of Ninjago City, smoke still rising from rubble piles and desecrated homes. Though in the city's heart, a building still stood tall, albeit its pillars had been damaged by stray Stone Warrior sword slashes.

The Ninjago Museum of History.

Its walls stood the testament of time, for they would never fall as long as the second Curator stayed within them. Tess shapeshifted back into her human form, landing at the top of the steps.

She glanced around, ensuring she was alone and continuing forward, heading inside. Lit candles lined the floors, the lights off with their switches taped over. An odd choice, but Tess understood why.

She wouldn't be here for too long, otherwise, Wu would get suspicious. Stepping out of the shadows, an old man with circular glasses perched on his crooked nose and long grey moustache held a candle, its wax dripping into the pan. He regarded her with weary dark eyes.

''I need what you hid from her.'' Was all Tess needed to say. He turned back into the darkness from whence he came, returning when he carried a box in his hands.

''Thankfully, I scoured the archives beforehand.'' The man stared down at the box. ''Misako is persistent, I'll give her that.'' He frowned, handing the box over.

Tess scanned the box in her possession, noting the ornate bronze detailing on each of its four sides and streaked with veins of vibrant cobalt. Bits of dust covered it, which Tess quickly wiped off for closer inspection.

The man cleared his throat, jolting her out of it. Begrudgingly, she hugged it close to her chest. Murmuring thanks and goodbye, she turned on her heel, heading towards the exit.

''Keep it- keep them safe.'' Tess heard behind her.

T̷h̸i̵s̷ ̶t̴i̶m̷e̴,̵ ̴s̵h̶e̵ ̷l̸i̷s̷t̵e̵n̴e̴d̶...

While the others were busy talking about something concerning the Green Ninja prophecy, you were busy fiddling with your necklace, the conversation long gone out of your mind. Though the arm gripping the scroll began moving without you wanting it to, suddenly you started opening it, about to look at it.

'I have to see this.' Morro spoke urgently. You mumbled curses, trying to fight his hold on your arm but he proved to be more experienced.

Someone else's hand touched yours, forcing you to pull your hand away and snap out of your thoughts, moving your gaze to find Cole trying to grab the scroll from you. You were quickly drawing attention to yourself but more importantly the scroll as well.

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