To Leave Behind

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Of Monsters and Men - I of The Storm

I feel it biting

I feel it break my skin

So uninviting

Are you really going to need me

When I'm gone?

I fear you won't


A/N: Made it to the second chapter, good work. That compliment was for me. Jk, y'all cool as well. Anyway, it may seem a bit rushed, but enjoy!

If there was one thing you could honestly say to yourself, it was that you had a few secrets to keep from others.

They weren't necessarily horrendously bad secrets, many have secrets of their own to keep, however, being surrounded by people of totally your own kind had you thinking about them. It just didn't feel like the right time to suddenly tell everyone about those kinds of things, though.

Since you were having to be stupidly self-conscious, it never made up for the amount of self-pride you had.

While you thought to yourself, the ship with you, the ninja and Wu moved through the icy waters, a few icebergs towering over the ship as some of its inhabitants were plagued by the unrelenting cold, snowflakes drifting down onto the ship's deck where some gathered into clumps.

Out the front, Sensei Wu was balanced on the dragon figurehead of the ship.

''I spy something... white,'' Jay spoke, leaning on the side of a railing as Cole steered the ship beside him. The latter sighed, turning to Jay with one hand on the wheel.

''Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy.'' The Earth Ninja replied. Something crashed into the side, and he had to take full control of the wheel again to minimise the damage.

Jay groaned. ''I spy something broken.''

''If Sensei knows the way to the next Golden Weapon, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles.'' Kai wondered aloud to Zane, clearly worried as he rubbed his hands together. He then turned to the Sensei, who was still balancing himself on the dragon figurehead.

''Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own,'' Zane admitted, looking to the Fire Ninja.

''The most powerful move in Spinjitzu,'' Wu started as he turned to face Zane and Kai, jumping down from the figurehead. ''-can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Lightning!'' As he shouted out the elements, Wu spun into different poses.

You turned your head at the sight, lifting an eyebrow whilst laying on the makeshift stretcher Jay had prepared. The cold was somewhat of a relief since it had numbed the pain to an extent. Still, you wore something to keep you warm in case frostbite were to set in. You hated frostbite. Then again, who did?

''Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?" Jay asked.

''The Tornado of Creation,'' Wu responded, doing a trick with his hands that made a cup appear in his grasp. ''The power to create something out of nothing.'' You then watched as Kai tried to copy Sensei Wu's different poses. ''No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences.''

''Disastrous consequences... right,'' Kai muttered. The ship lurched forward, and so were its occupants, the sound of wood grinding against ice filling the air. The front part of the ship and the sails were quickly frozen, the crystalline frost faintly glittering in the light.

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