Chapter 21 - Why Are You So Good To Me?

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Andy's POV
This maybe hard... "I-I... erm... you like... ugh would you like to come and live with me in my house for a while, until you find a better place then this broken house?" I finally spat out. Having mixed emotions about this, being proud that I said it, however being scared of his answer. Whether it is positive or negative though I will hug him whatever he says. "Andy... I-I don't know what to say." Is all he said, looking at our hands still tangled together, before slowly removing his from mine. He stood up from the bed in thought as he started walking around the room. Suddenly stopping in front of the dirty, broken mirror, he looked at his reflection. Seeing every broken emotion, all of his thoughts and feeling, smashed into the broken shards of the mirror before him. "Just look at me..." He whispered as his eyes started filling with tears. He hid his face with his hands like mask covering his face from the world. I stood up from the bed and went behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to my body. Wanting to comfort him and just show him that someone still cares. My heart beating fast as he was silently crying. "Rye..." I spoke softly, he turned to me and hugged me back tightly. Me hugging him stronger, not willing to let him go. Im still here, Im still here for you Rye. "I really want to come and live with you, I do because you make me happy, but your parents, friends... everyone and I would hurt you sooner or later..." He sobbed, his flowing tears wetting my new hoodie. I feel so bad for him, but he cant stay here, even he knows that. Right? "You won't hurt me and about the people close to me, they are a part of my life, they won't have anything against you I promise." I encouraged, quietly kissing his neck slightly. He continued to cry. "But once you told them that I kidnapped you-" he attempted, but I cut him off straight away. "I won't tell them ever." I whispered as he gasped quietly. "I told you already that I won't tell them." I emphasised hugging him more. "Why are you so good to me?" He breathed as I giggled at his question. Am I not allowed to be good to him? "Why shouldn't I be?" I replied. He pulled away looking at me confused. "Are you insane? I freaking kidnapped you and now your saying you should be nice to me. Are you really insane?" He shouted at me, like I did something wrong. The anger in me rising, I could feel a fire started to run through my blood making it boil nearly over the top.

"Stop it Rye! I didn't do anything wrong right? I am just being nice because you are not a bad person. You know youre not and even if someone told you that you are bad, it's just because of the lack of love around you." I argued, trying to calm down. Him looking at me, straight in the eyes, searching for words, for something, for hope and of course I gave it to him. I sighed as I went closer to him, he pulled away and went behind me. I turned around to face him, but he had his back to me, hiding his face away from me. Why are we playing this game? "Rye..." I whispered as he turned around, the fire flowing through him now. "You know nothing Andy! You know nothing about being unloved, unwanted, alone. You know nothing about feeling worthless, wanting to die, and trying but being too scared to do it, so I don't know how you can help a monster like me to love again, you can't Andy, you can't. Please don't even try, please leave me alone!" He growled, tears streaming down his face, his hands shacking and his voice cracking. I looked at him shocked, confused and scared of his raised voice but mostly sad. Sad about how he spoke about himself. I looked down avoiding eye contact, I had no words. "You are scared of me now, aren't you? Tell me Andy! Are you scared of me?! He shouted; his venomous roar heard in every corner of this small, dirty room. It was ringing in my head, like a melody that only I could here. I didn't dare to look up, because the tears would fall down my cheeks and he will see that I really am scared right now but not of him. I am just scared of how broken he is, if how the sadness is slowly killing him inside. The feeling of shame was making him weaker and weaker with every passing day. I could feel him coming closer to me, I could hear him trying to hold the screams that wanted to escape from his mouth. I knew he was trying to hold the tears, but he was failing.

So broken, so alone. But not anymore, because now. Now he has me...

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