Chapter 22 - He Is Not Alone

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Andy's POV
Now he has me...
When I could see his feet almost touching mine I looked up into his teary eyes. Even though they were so broken and lost, they were shining like a thousand stars and he was still smelling of sweet scented roses. I smiled a little as he looked down, grabbing his hands carefully holding them tightly. "I'm sorry." He whispered not looking at me. "I shouldn't have shouted at you." He added and then looked up, just to see my facial expression to see it was full of understanding, which made him smile weakly and come closer. "C-can-Can I kiss you?" He stuttered quietly, I giggled while a few tears that I couldn't stop, fell onto my cheek. He looked at me concerned as I just smiled. He put his soft hand on my cheek wiping the tears away. He removed each tear one at a time from my face and when he got to the last, I put my hand on his holding it there so I could feel his gentle touch for a little longer. He smiled as I closed my eyes and nodded my head. He knew why I did it, so he leaned in and gently connected our lips together. Both started to move our lips slowly against each others. I could tell how desperate he was, he wanted more than just a kiss, but I couldn't give it to him right now. Therefore, when he put his hand on my bum, I pulled away. He looked at me concerned, but then realised what he had done and looked guiltily at the floor in shame. I smiled and went closer to him, making him look up at me his eyes full of tears again, shining like the sun shining over water. I made him cry again, oh I hate this. "Look I didn't mean to do it, I-I'm sor-" He started stuttering, but I stopped him by reconnecting our lips. Non-verbally telling him it was okay. He seemed to have gotten the message as he kissed back almost immediately, both of us melting into the kiss like ice cream on a hot day. He bit my bottom lip slightly as I smiled into the kiss. After a few seconds, my lungs were screaming for air, so we pulled away, he grabbing my hands and making us sit on the bed. "I'm sorry, really." He whispered as I shook my head and kissed his forehead. I know he didnt mean to and I am happy he stopped and didnt take advantage of me.

"Everything's okay, can we just cuddle and talk?" I inquired with a tired voice, him nodded making me smile. We laid on the bed arms around each other. "So what do you want to talk about?" Rye wondered as I smiled and looked at him. I have so many questions in mind, which one should I start with? "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I posed biting my lower lip. Was that the right question to ask, I dont want to upset him again. "Well, yeah I have." He acknowledged nodding his head. If he has had a boyfriend in the past why doesnt he want one know? What happened? "But it was awful." He added and sighed. I looked up, his eyes losing their shine slowly, like the stars fading outside because of the rising sun. "Why?" I questioned quietly, hesitantly, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable or make him upset. He sighed and looked at the small cobwebbed window. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, his haunted past made him mute. He was just looking forward trying to hold his emotions further, trying to forget the unforgettable memories. "Sorry for asking." I whispered feeling bad. He shook his head and turned to me. His smile and the sun shining through brightened up his face, the sun blessing his eyes making them a beautiful sparkling honey/ mustard colour as they locked with mine. He leaned in placing a quick and gentle kiss to my forehead, pulling me extremely close to his body. His sweet scent immediately went all through my body, making something more alive. "I mean I have been with other people after my first boyfriend, but there was no real relationship, it was only umm having sex and nothing else." He explained, ashamed of his past. I sighed hugging him tighter just to show him that there is nothing to worry about. I wondered about the photo of him and that girl, I have to ask, I hope he doesn't hate me for it. "Can I ask you one more thing?" I whispered. He slowly nodded his head questioningly. "Who was the girl stood next to you in one of your photos in your room?" I investigated quietly. He looked away, turning, and steeling his emotions away like he didnt want be to know them. Turning away from his emotions like he did all those years until I came along. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, waiting for an answer I never received.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me." I spoke quietly knowing it was a part of his past that hurt him. He kissed my head lightly as I closed my eyes, knowing I have to wait if I want him to open up to me more. His heartbeat was fast, excited, I could feel his arms touching my skin through the soft fabric of my clothes. I could feel his breath tickling my nose when he inhaled. I knew his eyes were locked on a certain spot in this room, staring at it but not exactly seeing it as his mind was far away from here. Far away from this little broken room, far away from me and this cute moment between two confused lost boys, one of them with a broken heart and the other holding a cure made of love that could save both of them. The feeling that both of us felt, when our bodies touch it sends shivers down my spine. Even from the first time that I saw him, I knew he wasn't the bad person he thinks he is, he's not the stranger that kidnapped me and locked me here. He is not alone. "Rye?" I whispered quietly lifting my head up. He shook his head in answer, telling me to stay quiet a little bit longer, that he wasn't ready. I nodded resting my head back on his chest, feeling safe in his arms. My eyes started to close. They felt so heavy, they wanted to drag me away from reality and lock me in the world of dreams. I didn't want them to take me away from here, away from Rye. However, I was too tired, so I turned to see him, as he looked at me and smiled softly kissing my head. "Goodnight baby." He whispered. I was too exhausted to answer him, so I just replied with a smiled and let my eyes shut, as I went into the other universe. The universe where my thoughts turned into dreams. But before I fell asleep, I couldn't help wondering. Who is that girl? Why doesn't he want to tell me about her?

What did she do to him...?

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