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waking up to shouts from the living room on a sunday at 9:30am was not her idea of fun

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waking up to shouts from the living room on a sunday at 9:30am was not her idea of fun. flo enjoyed sleeping, probably her favourite thing. begrudgingly walking towards the living room, what was also attached to the kitchen, she saw 7 boys not including max all playing a game of some sort. florence never got into video games because she always became quite tense when it came to them.

walking through the living room in a big top and her halloween boxers that she used as shorts trying to go unnoticed because she wanted some earl grey tea before anyone talked to her. 'florence, your awake?' max said as they all turned to look at her. rubbing her eyes she scanned over all the boys. 'funnily enough max, it is pretty hard to sleep when you have 8 boys screaming in your living room.' a couple of them laughed at her remark. 'sorry bout that, least you can have a productive day' he said trying to lighten the mood, knowing that she was not actually mad at him.

'sure thing max, you know me, miss work orientated. i'm gonna make some tea does anyone want one.' about five hands went up. 'do you guys want earl grey or normal?' she asked now in the kitchen bowling the kettle. 'what does earl grey taste like?' a rather muscly ginger man said. 'earl grey is like the best drink you could ever have, it's like tasting heaven but like better.' he smiled a bit before answering 'guess i'll have earl grey'

the others just had normal so flo got to work. while there were brewing max called her over 'right flo this is jj, vik, ethan, tobi, harry, simon and josh.' she waved at them 'nice to meet you, i'm florence but you can call me flo if ya want.'

finishing the teas she walking back i to the kitchen with two in her hand 'right we have, vik and josh.' placing them on the coffee table, walking back with another too 'simon and harry' and finally 'me and ethan' she said sitting on the green arm chair that she stuck a label on the top with a label maker one night after an argument about sofas with max that said 'florence fitzgerald's chair, sit in it and perish.' in capitals.

sitting down she pulled out her phone scrolling through twitter occasionally laughing and more than once yawning. after bout 10 minutes she turned to ethan who was sitting on the sofa next to her 'what ya think of the tea? proper good right'
'you know what, it is proper good' he said mocking her a bit. 'told you it's not just me who likes it' she said smiling and sticking her tongue out at max. 'us earl grey drinkers gotta stick together.' she said nudging ethan.
she had finished her tea and decided to go get some snacks for her long day of nothing.

getting changed she threw on some black mom jeans and a green top that says something about some beer but the reason she got it was because it had bangkok written on it and she loved a good innuendo. grabbing her bright yellow charlie brown backpack she walked back to the living room, well more like skipped in excitement to make a joke. 'hey max hey max, max, max' she said until he turned around. ' i like bangkok' she said pointing to her top, laughing to herself. 'very funny florence.' max said as she saw jj proper laughing. 'jj thinks it's funny' putting on her shoes and grabbing her coat 'by the way that was a joke, i've done it with two different people in my life and both of them times i was highly unimpressed, also do you guys want anything from the shop.'
a flurry of no's left the room and she closed the door.

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