twenty-two: picture

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Yoongi felt justified enough to do this without telling Taehyung. For a number of reasons, starting with the fact that his name had been brought up without his understanding as to why.

This neighbor of Taehyung's. Jimin, Yoongi recalled his friend mentioning, preceding the brief, upsetting words, "a liar, he's not my friend."

Few words, but they seemed heavy. Yoongi had a lot of questions but one thing he knew for certain was that this "Jimin" had hurt Taehyung in some way, and that didn't sit well with him.

So Yoongi knocked on the stranger's door. His cheerfulness from greeting Tae just seconds ago had already dissipated.

"Who is it?"

Yoongi said nothing. If he spoke, there was a chance this person would react the same way they did yesterday and turn him away.

He knocked again.

This time, it opened.

Jimin, the same blond boy from yesterday, opened the door just enough that he could see who had knocked, and straightaway he attempted to close it again.


He was stopped by Yoongi shoving his arm hastily into the door opening to prevent it from closing. And because of the force Jimin had used in trying to close it, Yoongi's arm was left with quite the physical shock. He couldn't hide it, either, as his reaction to the pain was instinctive and genuine, so much so that it sent Jimin into an immediate panic. This actually worked out in Yoongi's favor, he thought to himself. This person couldn't send him away now. At least not with immense guilt.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't expect you to put your arm there, I, I just-"

"I think you broke something."

He had only meant it as a joke, an exaggeration  but it seemed to get through to Jimin on a more serious level. A mental battle appeared to rage in the boy's head for all of two seconds before he caved in and urged Yoongi to go into his apartment. Shutting the door in a hurry, breathing frantically, he gestured at the living room sofa as it was the nearest place to sit down.

"I'm so sorry, I'll take a look at your arm-"

"It's fine," Yoongi interrupted him. He rolled up his sleeve to inspect it himself. "I think you just bruised it."

Jimin didn't seem satisfied with that response. "Are you sure?? You said you might have broken something, I-I can take a look at it, I actually took an online course for bio-"

"Jimin, I didn't come here to play 'doctor-patient' with you, I'm here to interrogate you."

At the unexpected, sour tone of voice that came from Yoongi's mouth, the stranger withdrew himself with confusion, fear, and dread all mixed into those eyes which hesitated to look back at him.

"Interrogate?" Jimin chuckled with apparent nervousness. He placed a hand on the back of his neck. "I...don't think I understand, why would you-"

"Don't play dumb, I know it's got something to do with you." Yoongi massaged the part of his arm that had been crushed by the door, wincing as pain once again shot through him. Jimin flinched.

"I'll get you ice for that, I'm so sorry, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry..."

"Stop apologizing."


He was back in the blink of an eye, a small towel in hand, wrapped in cold, cold ice. Yoongi hated the feeling of anything cold against his skin but just as he had recommended for Jungkook, he knew it was one of the best and simplest things for bruises. He sighed and accepted the towel and pressed it to his arm. "Thanks."

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