Chapter 4 ~ Rules

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Olivia's P.O.V

"Ru-rules ." I stuttered, scared from what may come out of his mouth next.  The way he said the words made it seem like there was only one option, obey by his rules or else. 

"Yes." He replied casually, moving around to stand in front of me. He was acting very nonchalant about the whole situation, whilst my mind was going haywire.

It was like he had been preparing for this his whole life. He didn't bat an eyelid when I found him kissing another girl, or when I screamed at him. He didn't care.

"Rule one, you are to stay in this house at all times and for the first couple of months, you are to be confined within your room. If you wish to leave after those months are up, then you have to be escorted by a warrior from my pack, Kylie or myself." These rules are making it seem as if I had to serve a prison sentence.

I opened my mouth to dispute, but he just carried on talking, ignoring me completely.

"Rule two, you are not allowed to speak to anyone of the opposite sex unless I allow it. This excludes my beta and trusted warriors." I wasn't allowed to talk to any other males without his permission.

What a jerk! Moon Goddess, why on Earth did you bless me with such a sexist, cruel pig as a mate?

"Rule three, if I need you for any reason you will do it, without hesitation. Including any sexual favours." I shuddered at the way he said it.

His voice went extremely deep and I had to control Aria from breaking free and clawing his face off.

"How dare he insult us like that?" Aria growls, and I clench my jaw. He planned on making me his personal sex slave.

What the fuck did he think I was? A prostitute, a whore, no way was that happening!

"Rules four, we will share a room. However if I need it for any reason, including entertaining any of my mistresses, you will leave without hesitation." Suddenly a pang of pain struck me and it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the chest. The thing that fazed me though, was why would he want to sleep with me, if he had a mistress? On top of that he has multiple.

"And finally rule five, you are not allowed to have any contact with the outside world or with anyone from your past life, including your parents." Grief came over me as he mentioned the word parents. I tried to hold back the tears forming in my eyes, as the memories of the police officer telling me that my family were in tragic car crash replayed in my mind.

I remember every emotion, every horrible excruciating painful feeling I felt as the words "I'm sorry, they didn't make it." rung in my ears. Lex was completely blocked out now and I didn't think my life could get any worse than that, but of course, the Moon Goddess proved me wrong.

My parents were completely in love and enamoured by each other. Every night they would tell me bedtime stories of how mates found each other and despite all their problems still managed to end up together. Even though they were just stories, I always wanted that. I always wanted unconditional love.

"Failure to comply to these rules and you will be punished." He said it with a sly smirk on his face and a hint of excitement in his voice. That's it, I can't take it anymore.

Not only did he just disrespect me, but he disrespected my parents and my wolf. Mate or not, no-one talks to me like that.

"What makes you think that I would ever agree to any of this? That I would agree to live with a monster for the rest of my life, that I would sleep with you and the fact that you think that I would even tolerate you sleeping with other women, whilst I'm not allowed to talk to any men." He tried to cut me off but Aria was starting to take over, so I growled at him and carried on, which seemed to shock him for a second but he quickly replaced it with anger.

"Also just because you're my mate does not mean that you own me or can control me. I've lived without you for a 18 years and I think that I can without you for the rest of my life. I don't care if you're an alpha, no-one has the right to treat me like that. You raped me last night and still this morning I had the intention on forgiving you. I wanted to walk in here this morning and start our relationship again with a clean slate but instead, I walk in here and find you kissing another girl. Do you know how that made me feel? To be degraded and humiliated like that. You hurt me! Do you not feel anything towards me apart disgust and anger?"

Tears were gushing out, flowing down my cheeks and Lex was frozen, like a statue. I stared at him for a few minutes but he still didn't respond, making my wolf more and more furious. Then she really lost it and took over.

"Tell me!" Aria screamed, even taking me aback from the amount of rage in her voice. My eyes changed to pitch black, showing him who was in control.

"Tell me!" She growled, taking a dangerous step forward and yet he still stood there dumbfounded.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me" She screamed repeatedly, whilst punching him in the chest. Then as if something had registered in his mind, he grabbed my arms and pulled me close to him. Anger and rage filled his eyes as she tried to break free of his tight grasp.

"Stop!" He demanded, using his alpha authority. Aria immediately submitted, knowing that whatever happens she could not refuse an alpha when he spoke to her like this.

"Give control back to Liv now." He snarled, spit flying everywhere. She whimpered, before complying with his demands and giving control back to me. My eyes turned back to their normal chocolatey colour and if possible, he pulled me closer to him.

I could feel his hot breathe on my face and I closed my eyes inhaling his scent which seemed to have calmed Aria down, but then I remembered what he had done and I wasn't backing down easily.

"How dare you speak to me like that? You are mine! Understand. I have to have you otherwise, I'll become weak and if I'm weak what do you think will happen to this pack? It becomes vulnerable and eventually others will attack and we will be destroyed. I can't be constantly worrying whether you are in danger or not." I looked at him straight in the eyes and for a moment, I thought I could see genuine concern in them.

"Kill me then. Do it! If you don't want me but don't want to be constantly worrying about me, then just end me, right here right now." I screamed in his face. For a moment I thought I saw glimpse of sadness lingering in them, but then I realised that he was actually deliberating what to do.

A few minutes later, a dark chuckle came out of him and he bent down his head down to my height. A dark chuckle came out of his mouth and he bent down his head down to my height.

"Don't you think I want to? Killing you would be so much easier. I wouldn't have to deal with you ever again, however my stupid mutt of a wolf would never let me live it down. He would always be there in my head, blaming me for it, and eventually I would probably commit suicide from the constant reminder of you in my mind forever. So no, I can't. Plus that would be a mercy for you and I intend on making you suffer. Just imagine, you and me trapped together for the rest of our lives." I was honestly speechless and Aria had disappeared.

The life he set out for the both of us was one of pain, suffering and relentless torture. Even though I already knew that he didn't want me, hearing it being said out loud just broke me. I could feel my heart splitting in two and I felt like I was going to pass out any minute now.

He actually wanted me gone. My mate, the one person who is meant to love me more than anything, wants to kill me, torture me and hurt me. Mustering all the courage I had left, I said the ten words that no wolf ever wanted to say.

" I, Olivia Carson, reject you Alexander Mason, as my mate!"

A/N: Lex's P.O.V is coming up next!

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