Chapter Seventy-Three: Three Years ago

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I have translated the book a little more. It is...strange. It has yet to mention anything about The Gift. It focuses on the uprising of the First Queen, Visara. The more I read the more I realise the true extent of the lies told throughout our history. Visara was not the hero we have been lead to believe. Though now I face a different problem. Do I write about what I have uncovered and tell people the truth? Or, do I keep it secret? For if people knew who Visara really was then will that impact our own Princess Illyana's claim to the Throne?

Perhaps, I won't even add this part to my book.

Perhaps, I'll be dead before I can even publish it.

Is this even a book anymore? Or is just a bunch of useless texts that will never see the light of day. I don't know what I am even writing any more. Am I writing history or am I writing my own account of what is happening in the castle during the True Trial? A Diary? I can't tell. Everything is a mess.

~Writings By Master Audwin

Three Years Ago

Our dining hall has been transformed. The Hall itself is long. The floors a cream marble with marble pillars rising up to the painted ceiling. Chandeliers of sparkling diamonds hang from the roof. Large windows sit equidistance apart down the walls. Tall and decorated on either side by soft silver curtains. The room is light and airy. That isn't what has been transformed.

We have all our meals in this room. The long table that runs down the middle is normally only set at the very end where my father and the five of us sit. Occasionally, it is set for more when we have guests or parties. Today, my father has gone all out. The white wooden table has been set perfectly. Crystal champagne flutes and wine glasses all sit perfectly in line along the table. The finest silver cutlery has been placed just as perfectly. Probably measured to ensure it is in the right place and angles. China plates sit in front of every chair, decorated with intricate swirls of silver. A napkin, white and silky has been folded on top of the plates also. Then, there is food going down the centre of the table. Plates full of extravagantly presented fruits, breads, cheeses and almost anything you could imagine. Tarts, cakes, yoghurts, salads, pasta and anything that we the kitchens could cook. I have to give our chefs credit.  They have done a magnificent job along with the servants who set the table. The table looks incredible. 

"Wow," the Solavar says as we look over the room. I then think about why my father ordered such a feast. These people come from a place that has very little food. Even less of that food actually tastes nice. This whole thing is a power play. Showing the Lupine how we are better than them. I gulp nervously and wait for my father and the council to enter behind me. My father gives me a glare as he walks past me. He walks to the head of the table. His chair is slightly bigger than all of ours and more intricately decorated. He sits down. We all find our places and follow suit. The council members sit closest to him. I am placed next to Councilman Flarain, the Councilman of Medicine and Healing. On my right, sits the Solavar. Opposite, my sisters sit. Various other members of both the Lupine soldiers, our own soldiers and some other Nobles sit at various places down the table.

"Let's eat," my father grins. Everyone reaches forward, helping out food onto their plates.

"This is quite the selection of food," the Solavar says to the king, sounding impressed. "Your chefs have done a fine job," he continues, his voice deep and accent thick.

"Where is the meat?" a Lupine next to him asks. The Solavar gives him a warning look. My father smiles.

"I am sure my men brought you along the paths through the Flatlands," he says. The Solavar nods. "You should have seen all the hundreds upon hundreds of crops that were growing," he begins. I take over.

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