Chapter One-Hundred and Two

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My father sits in a carriage with Leander and his friends.

"I am so glad we're going back to visit your father. I bet he is thrilled to see the man you've become," Leander grins to him. My father nods his head.

"I hope so," he replies with a gulp. Leander lets out a low chuckle. The carriage arrives at Baylon manor and I can see my father's face slightly pale as he notices Sebastian standing at the door, waiting. There is a smile on his face. Though it isn't a friendly one. The door is opened and father steps out.

"Lord Baylon!" Leander grins, shaking Sebastian's hand. "I think you'll found we've worked wonders on your boy," he grins and slaps Matthias on the back. My father steps forward slightly and glares up at Leander.

"You'll have to let me know how. I have been trying for years," he jokes. "Come," he tells the group. "I am so happy to host such fine young nobles of the court," he tells them. They bow their heads and walk behind Sebastian.

"You have a lovely home, Lord Baylon," one says and I can hear the nervous twinge in his voice. Grandfather nods.

"Thank you, Lord O'larn," he replies with a nod of his head. "Now, my servants will show you all to your rooms and then we can begin our discussions," he tells them. The boys all nod and disperse, following the servents. Once they are gone, Sebastian's hand falls tightly on my father's shoulder.

"Tell me, boy," he begins. "Were you able to do what I asked?" My father nods and licks his lips.

"The court prefer me over any of that bunch," he gulps. "Yet none of them suspect my interference. I even got Leander to murder his best friend," he gulps. Sebastian smiles.

"Good, son." He lets go and gestures for him to follow.

"You'll need to keep this up. Now that you are transforming into a handsome young man, you'll need to woo the court and the King. You need to be charming, strong and powerful. Your time of playing the victim to their games is over. Now, you need to remove their alpha and take his place..."

Karn pulls me up and lifts me above his head, his arms fully outstretched. I am able to keep my eyes open enough to look at the gathering crowd of cheering Lupine warriors. I look over, seeing Kovan lifting Una who is clutching and waving the flag tightly. We are completely surrounded by cheers and screaming but I am too tired to take it all in. By the looks of Una's fluttering eyes, she is too. She turns to me and grins again. I can't help but smile back too. We are put down and we fall next to each other. She hugs me tightly again.

"I can't believe it," she whispers in my ear. I laugh, though it takes a lot of energy to do so.

"Me neither," I gulp.

"I really need my bed," she laughs. I nod my head, my muscles aching for rest.  Razan brushes past me, the crowds parting for him. I see him rush over to Nishaka and smile as the two nudge each other. Kai appears a few seconds later. A large grin fills his mouth and the crowd silences as he holds up his hand.

"Well done, Red team," he says. "You have won the challenge." I start swaying on my feet. As much as I'd love to celebrate, I need rest and soon. Physically, I've never felt this weak before. Not even after beating. Though that is a different type of exhaustion.

"Now," Kai continues as he looks over the two of us. "I think these two deserve some rest and a bath," he chuckles. There are cheers again as we all laugh. "What I will say quickly," Kai states, "Is that I think Princesses Illyana has more than earned her promotion from training warrior to full-fledged warrior," he tells us. I grin breathlessly but look at him.

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