The Final Stage of Love

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After manoeuvring through Roman crowds to get back to the apartment, both Annabeth and Percy were a little sweaty, had permanent smiles attached to their faces and were beginning to giggle uncontrollably at the thought of what they were about to do.

Annabeth knew that Percy wanted exactly what she wanted, so she took the chance to ask the question he was going to ask her, making serious of the situation.
'What is it you want?' Annabeth asked.
Percy replied with a hoarse voice that carried such longing: 'You. Badly'.
It was when he had just finished his last word that her lips crashed on his. It was a soft kiss that radiated the hidden, raw and genuine feelings they felt for each other.
He caressed her lips with his, whilst snaking his right hand up to the back of her head to run his fingers through her blonde curls that made her look like a princess. And moving his left hand to the base of her back, gently rubbing.
As he did so, she wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him.
Both of their eyes were closed so that they both were lost in the perfect oblivion that was the perfect moment.
Percy leaned Annabeth against the wall momentarily for which Annabeth then wrapped her legs around him. Weaving his hands down to support her bottom, they moved into the bedroom whilst simultaneously kissing. Percy fell on top of the bed with Annabeth underneath him.
Annabeth looked into Percy's sea green eyes and knew that all it contained was his love for her right now and for eternity.

Percy slowly moved his hands to the hem of Annabeth's shirt and began to slide it upwards and off. Soon Annabeth laid there with her bra exposed to a stunned Percy. He just beamed at her and began to move his kisses off her lips and down to her colar bone, then to in between her breats.
Annabeth let out a sigh of pleasure.
Whilst Percy continued to kiss her, she moved her hands to the hem if his shirt and repeated the same process. Soon, he also was shirtless.
Annabeth had seen Percy shirtless before but now, in the midday light coming through the closed curtains, he looked like a god.
Annabeth travelled her hands up and down his chest whilst he remaimed kissing her still covered breasts, extracting silent moans from her.
A few minutes later in this rhythm, they began to leave trails further down each other's body. Annabeth was tugging at Percy's trousers and Percy at Annabeth's shorts. Giving into each others actions, they obliged.
Percy still hovered on top of Annabeth, shirtless and in his blue boxers, whilst Annabeth remained under him in her grey undergarments with her bra straps loose around her arms.
It was pure ecstasy.

Annabeth could see Percy through his boxers and she began to feel the way you feel about doing something new. Excited and scared.
Percy looked into Annabeth's eyes and pulled off her a bit before asking a simple question.
'Do you want to go all the way, like now?'
'Honestly Percy, whether it's now or later I really don't care because I know that I'll have you for an eternity'
'Gods I love you Annabeth, but can I just have the simple answer?'
Annabeth sighed with a smile into his shoulder.
With that Percy began to kiss Annabeth more hungrily which resulted in her squirming in this new pleasure. Annabeth then began to snake her hands down to his boxers and gently pulled them down a bit, before using her toe to get them completely off. Percy shivered above her.
He began to go red as Annabeth continued to stare at him. Wow. He definitely was godly. She soon realised that she had been staring for while, and she too turned red.
'Uh, can I?' Percy asked, pointing down at Annabeth's bottoms.
'Yeah, that's ok'
Percy slid down Annabeth's body whilst taking her bottoms with him. He tossed them off the bed, then crawled back on top off Annabeth. This torture was maddening! They would have to do something soon, otherwise he want going to last.
'Wait, Percy do you have any... uh protection?'
'Oh, um yeah I do. Hold on'
Percy leaned over the bed and rummaged through his back pack before pulling out the small square of plastic.

'You ready?' they both asked simultaneously.
'Yes.' They then both answered together, earning another blush each.

Percy positioned himself, then began to move his hips forward. Annabeth's pain seemed only minor before he got to half way.
'Percy can you go a bit faster, just that I don't want to feel the pain slowly'
Um what?'
'Percy, what I'm trying to say is that you have a very large dick, and that I would like you to go faster because this feels like both types of torture.'
Percy managed a smile and began to move himself further into her at the requested faster pace.

It only took a minute before Annabeth was right to go. Percy, like most, started out slowly. Just easing himself in and out of Annabeth. Gods this was killing him. Soon Annabeth signalled for him that it was ok to go fast. He gladly obliged.

It had been pure bliss when they each had finished. Annabeth thought that Percy had earnt the right to fully see her. So after that, she had removed her bra, leaving Percy just as stunned as when she had first seen him.
They both just laid there in the afternoon heat, naked in the sheets, comfortably in each other's arms, occasionally sneaking kisses. It wasn't long before they both fell asleep.

Around eight o'clock that night, Frank and Hazel came to visit the couple. They found that the front door was unlocked and walked inside. Hazel really needed to pee, so she headed off towards the bathroom, whilst Frank went to investigate where Percy and Annabeth might be. He decided to check the bedroom first in case they were sleeping.
Carefully opening the door, he took a glance at the scene. There they were. Percy, naked, on his back with a sheet covering his dignity and drool coming out of his mouth. And Annabeth was laid upon Percy's chest, also naked, but with sheets covering more. Frank gasped a little too loudly, as he had just woken the sleeping couple.
'Frank!' screamed Annabeth.
'It's not what it looks like.' though Percy was trying not to smile.
Frank just looked stunned and replied with what he should've said aboard the Argo II when he had found them in the almost exact same situation.
'You guys are not going to hear the end if this'

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