Publishing Schedule & Author's Note

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Hey all! 

Thanks for much for sticking it out with me all these years. If you're here and you haven't read book 1, TAKE ME TOMORROW, go check that out now. If you have and you are ready for book 2, you are in the right place! 

First, I know this book was a long-time coming, and boy, was it a wild ride.

When I initially set out to write book 2 years and years ago, I knew I wanted to explore the horror genre within the dystopian umbrella, and I had so much fun doing that with this book. Sophia is still one of my favorite characters ever. She is stubborn to a fault and so much fun to write. That said, I admit that this is not my most polished piece. There's lots I'd like to rewrite and rework one day! But I promised to share book 2 since fans of book 1 kept asking for it, and this is as far as I got with it. (It is complete, so there's that!) 

I definitely plan on sharing book 3 with everyone, too! (Did I mention a rough draft of that is also written?)

I know it might be strange to read a writer's rougher works, but at the same time, I'd rather you all get to see the journey than wonder what happened to Sophia and Noah after book 1.

Maybe it'll even be fun to see the first drafts of how a story comes to life.

I hope you enjoyed this strange, twisty journey. 

The third and final book, NEVER TAKEN, will be posted soon.

If you would like to support me or my work, please check out my other novels on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or wherever books are sold. The Timely Death trilogy is a paranormal romance without vampires or welewolves! It takes place in Kansas and is based off of Midwest folklore. The Bad Bloods series is a dark dystopian sci-fi, similar to X-Men, but much darker. Both are published by Clean Teen Publishing.

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Took Me Yesterday (book 2 of The Tomo Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now