The Universe Has Spoken.

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***this chapter has media***

It was the last day of Senior Year, the seniors had just written their final exams, and were getting their lockers cleaned out. To say they were excited to finally be out of that shit hole would be an understatement. Killian however, wasn't feeling too enthusiastic. Sure, this town was weird and boring and nasty, but school was one of the places where he had made his most fondest memories, granted, the past month had been kind of rough, but he knew he'd always look back on his two years at Easton and truly say that he enjoyed the time he spent there.
As he took out his last textbook from his locker, he spotted the person who was responsible for him not hating high school as much as the other kids did, so he shut his locker door for the last time and walked up to him.

"So, this is it, huh?"

Harper stuck his head out of his locker and glanced over at the last person he expected to see. "I guess so." He muttered.

"I'm gonna miss this place..."

"That makes one of us."

Killian shifted from one leg to the other. He still didn't know how to approach that conversation with his best friend. So he opted to steer the conversation into a different direction instead.

"That's a-- That hair color looks good on you."
He approved with a nod of his head. Harper had turned in his platinum blonde hair for a hot pink color. Legend has it that no one had ever seen his real, natural hair color. Not even his own parents.

"Hair color looks good on me, period."

Killian smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown when he noticed a badly groomed Jensen running towards them. He immediately grabbed Harper's hand in an effort to steer him away from the locker.

"Hey, what are you--"

"Wait!" Jensen yelled.

Harper abruptly froze on the spot. He hadn't heard Jensen's voice ever since he had dumped him. He remembered how he left him multiple voicemails in that first week, the week where he was still trying to wrap his head around all the shit that had happened, the week where all he did was cry and sleep.
Jensen rushed over to where the boys were standing and tried to reach for Harper, but Killian stuck his hand out to block him.

"I don't think so, man."

"Harper, please." Jensen pleaded. "I need to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say to you." Harper stated once he got over his initial grief.

"You heard him, perv. Now leave us alone before I call the cops."

"George!" A woman's voice suddenly screeched.

The boys turned towards where the voice was coming from, and they simultaneously grimaced. Jensen did too, for whatever reason.
Stacy's face twisted into a scowl when she saw who her husband was conversing with, she hurried towards them in an effort to reprimand Harper, but the two boys escaped before she could get to him, leaving Jensen to deal with his crazy wife.
After the boys had run away from Jensen and his wife, Harper had gotten into his sports car and sped off, leaving Killian on the sidewalk to fend for himself. They didn't even get a proper chance to talk, mainly because Harper felt like spending the rest of eternity crawled up into a hole, so Killian had waited by West's Toyota, then hitched a ride with him.
"What's up with him?" Killian questioned as they came in through West's front door. Paul's eyes were glued to the TV screen and the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table was dangerously close to tipping over.

"His favorite K-drama must be on. There could be a burglar in the house and he still wouldn't move from that couch."

He grabbed the bowl, then headed into the kitchen to dump the overly buttered popcorn into the trash. They were bad for his heart.
He then took out ingredients from the fridge, and proceeded to make sandwiches for his guest.
Killian, wanting to make his presence known in other room, crept towards the TV, and pressed the off switch.

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