Chapter 6

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The seeds of regret from what I did moments ago start to wane on me like a ton of bricks. Was his confession genuine? Was it all true? Will he regret them in the morning? Should I even stay? Looking at the clock on his nightstand it reads 1:40 AM and I'm alarmed at how long I stayed here. I decided to leave for his benefit. Knowing that he is asleep I make small movements to move from the bed so I wouldn't disturb him. After slowly getting dressed, I look back at Xander and notice how all the worries on his face are gone as he sleeps. I really wish I could stay in bed with him but I need to decide if I want answers or if I want to ignore them. My feet make the decision by leaving his room. I grab my phone from the charger and my coat along with my bag. I'm thankful that I remember there was a lobby button on the elevator.

When I reach the lobby I look for an Uber and I'm glad to know that it's only 2 minutes away. As soon as I'm on my way home my mind drifts to Xander.

When I finally reach my apartment I go straight to my room and take a quick shower as a way to cleanse myself from the guilt I have. After my shower, I take off the remainder of my makeup and change into a loose shirt and some pajama bottoms. As I get to bed I notice it's 3 in the morning and I let sleep take over despite my restless mind over what I did hours ago.

The next morning or early afternoon I decide to get up and eat something for my small headache. If I remember correctly I didn't drink a lot last night. As I walk into the kitchen I make myself some coffee and a breakfast sandwich since it's going to be 12 soon. Regardless of what time of the day it is, I have to have coffee to function. While I sit at the counter I feel my headache subside for the moment and I hear the door to Trina's room open.

"Someone had a long night." She says teasingly. I give her a weak smile and notice that Trina is dressed for the day. She is wearing cropped jeans and a loose fitted blouse. Her hair is let loose and she is wearing light makeup.

"Something like that." She makes her way to sit next to me.

"Well give me the details because I noticed you didn't come home till 2," She says picking at my food. Which I don't mind.

I debate telling her everything that happened to me last night but subconsciously I allow myself to tell her. After all, Trina is my best friend and she will tell me her true thoughts on the situation just as I would for her.

"Okay but it's a long one," I say. After a breath or two later I tell her everything that happened last night. Her reactions are what I expected shocked and surprised when I told her I had slept with Xander. After I'm done telling her everything I'm out of breath and reach for my mug.

"So what do I do now? I'm nervous to mention it to him about his confession? If he does what do I say?" I finally ask after sipping my lukewarm coffee.

"Wow, you had quite an interesting night," She says and continues, "Well for one I wouldn't be the first one to bring it up if I were you I would wait till he explains himself."

"Why would I do that instead?" I ask.

"If he truly means what he confessed to you last night then he would care for you enough to explain. Also, drunk or not, you were right to not stay at his place because if it were me I would want him to tell me to stay from the beginning." Trina says reassuring me.

"Okay. But I hate that I have to wait till Monday to see him. You know I really hate confrontation especially during a busy week." I complain.

"Well, I bet you he's probably trying to reach you to talk," Trina says acting like it's a possibility.

"If he does, then what do I do? God, I still can't believe I slept with him!" I say placing my head in my hands.

"Yeah me either," She smiles, "but if he is calling you don't answer trust me it's better for him to explain face to face." She suggests. Maybe she's right I should just let him explain himself in person without any distractions. I just hope the weekend will help me build the courage to hear his explanation and answer my list of questions.

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