Chapter 32

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"So explain," I say waiting for her to speak. 

"Look, I understand I'm the last person you want to see but I want you to know that I've cared for Xander. Around the time I was in middle school I had fallen in love with him but I knew he was out of my league so I began changing my image. Eventually, I was popular and went out practically every day to clubs or parties. That's how my drinking started. When I was in high school I got his attention and my father helped me get his parents to agree on our marriage. I was happy that day we married. I ignored Xander's happiness because I only cared about my own and for that, I was selfish to do that to him. Two years into our marriage and I was pregnant but my drinking problem revealed the truth of my secret. That was the same time Xander accepted it and tried to help me but I never gave in. Soon he gave up on trying. When he hired you, I noticed how different he acted towards you and I was jealous that you had his attention. I'm truly sorry that my jealousy led to what I did that day. After you left him I didn't realize that his true happiness is with you. I accept him not loving me because he has you to love. So, all I ask is that you promise to stay by his side because your the only one who can help him right now." I never knew Olivia held so much in and I never knew that at one point Olivia truly cared for him.

"I will promise to stay with him if... if you promise to sign the divorce papers." I know I'm technically not with him but Olivia has confirmed that she no longer harbors feelings for him and it's only fair that she signs them.

"It's already done. I signed it a month ago and I can promise that I care for Xander as a friend." She says while smiling.

"Thank you," That is surprising to know but I'm glad that Olivia has a clear mind for once.

"I hope you can eventually forgive me after everything I've done to you. I understand if you don't because I wouldn't either." She admits. Who knew Olivia could have this side.

"I do forgive you," I say. After everything that has happened, I truly forgive her. I guess the saying one must know the other side before they judge applies to this situation. 

"Thank you! I've got to go soon." Olivia says while she glances at her watch.

"Why? Aren't you going to see Xander?" I ask in confusion.

"I did but I have to go because there is a car waiting for me to take me to a facility for my drinking. I wanted to stay so I could properly apologize to you." She says. I'm astounded that Olivia has owned up to her addiction and is voluntarily wanting to get better. I definitely underestimated her.

"Oh, then I guess I'll see you soon," I say.

"Yes, I guess you will. Bye Natalia and take care of him."She says before she makes her way through the corridor. 

"Bye Olivia and I will keep my promise," I say just before she disappears. 

I feel at ease now that the tension with Olivia is no longer there. I do forgive her for almost everything except I won't forget about my daughter. I push those thoughts aside and make my way through the waiting room. There are only two people in this room and I can assume they are Xander's parents.

Xander's father looks like an older version of Xander except Mr. Reed has light brown hair, a strong jawline, and a beard. Xander's mother has short glossy brown hair and hazel eyes. Both of his parents are dressed in work attire because it's a Thursday morning. When I walk into view I notice them look up at me. Xander's father is on the phone while his mother is sitting down.

"Hello, I'm Natalia and..." I don't know how I should introduce myself to his parents and most importantly I don't know how I should tell them my relation to Xander.

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