Chapter 8

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I wake up the next day feeling uncertain to the point of wanting to vomit Which I almost did this morning. While getting dressed I look outside of my window and notice that it's raining. I then grab a pair of black tights to wear for the cold weather. looking at myself in the mirror I notice I'm somewhat presentable and head out of my room to get my things to leave for work. 

When I get to work I quickly make myself some tea and grab an English muffin for my quick breakfast. As usual, I grab a cup of coffee for Xander. Leaving the cantina, I head to his office to drop off his coffee I do so quickly just in case he comes in early. Shortly after my quick errand, I head to my office to eat my breakfast. I'm still too nervous to eat but I need to have something. When I'm finished I notice it's time for me to log into my computer and begin my first task of cleaning up the company's calendar. While in the middle of doing so I hear a tap on my door. Oh god, this is it. I slowly look up and see it's Xander. Of course, he would drop by my office. I take in his appearance and he looks the same wearing a grey fitted suit and black skinny tie with his hair pushed to the side but under his eyes are small circles. I'm assuming that he hasn't gotten much sleep this past weekend.

"Natalia, can we talk in my office?" He asks uncertainly. 

"Yes," I say as I get up from my office chair to meet him by my door. As we walk I know he can only want to talk to me about that night. When we reach his office I'm trying my hardest to stay neutral by sticking to my plan for him to talk first. Xander opens the door for me and closes it behind him, he then gestures for me to sit down which I oblige. His office is much larger than mine, he has a larger view of downtown. Xander's office is also minimally decorated which makes sense since his bedroom is decorated the same way. The only furniture he has is the same as mine but the only difference is that he has a couch with a small coffee table next to the entryway in his office, and he has a larger desk. Xander decides on sitting in the chair next to me which surprises me. I feel my neutral wall start to crumble with him because he is so close. Feeling my nerves kick in I ask.

"What do you want to talk about?" I know what he wants to talk about but I want him to say it first.

"I think you know just as well as I do what I want to talk about." He says looking into my eyes while stating the obvious. 

"Which is?" I question while keeping my facade.

He takes in a breath to try and calm himself "Look I want to talk to you about Friday night." He finally confesses.

"What about it?" Continuing to keep my composure. I truly wish he could just spit it out.

"You are definitely making this difficult." He laughs. 

"I just want to hear what you have to say," I tell him earnestly. The only way to get him to talk is to lay out all of my cards. I want him to know what my thoughts are but I need him to earn that privilege. As stubborn as that sounds it's the only way I can approach him.

"Before we discuss that night can I ask you something? And I want you to answer honestly." He asks while he continues to look at me with his green eyes.

"Go ahead," I say wanting to know what he has to ask.

"After what we..." He pauses before continuing, "After what we did that night you were gone. Why did you leave?" He asks while looking at the floor in front of him.

"I didn't stay because I wasn't sure if I could." I simply say.

Xander looks up at me and says, "What the hell do you mean, of course, I wanted you to stay." 

Looking confused I say, "I'm sorry but you didn't give me a reason to."

"Your joking right?" He asks with a laugh, "I thought what I said to you was enough to get you to stay." 

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