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I'm shaking

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I'm shaking. Another car swipes along the road, whipping my hair into a frenzy over my face. I was just on that road. Right in the middle of it, and I didn't even realise. I was so busy sulking that I didn't even realise I'd stepped onto a road. How could I be so stupid? I'm still shaking. I can't stop. My heart is trying to smash out of my body, and I've forgotten to breathe. How long have I been holding my breath? I release it, and it comes out as unsteady as the rest of me.

A hand clutches my sleeve, and I scream.

'Whoa, it's just me. Are you okay? Not too wise of a move back there.'

I spin around. I don't even process who it is at first, but when I do, my shaking turns into stammering. Zack--No, Preston. His hair is drenched, his usually wavy quiff stuck to his forehead. Did he just pull me out of the road? No way. If anything, he would have pushed me into that car, then skipped all the way home.

'Yes, I'm fine, I've got to go,' I mutter, the embarrassment over what just happened creeping in.

I turn away from Preston and try walking on, but my legs feel like they could cave in any second, and I'm stumbling. What's wrong with me? I'm soaked. My clothes are sticking to me, and I'm freezing. I'm still shaking, and I've got no idea if it's because of the cold or the shock. I glance at my phone to check the time: almost five o' clock. Dad should be on his way home from work soon, so I could try ringing him to see if he can pick me up. I'm about to stop stumbling onward to dial Dad's number when I hear footsteps jogging after me.

'Hey, wait!' Preston again. He nudges me under the shelter of a bus stop. 'You're going to fall back onto the road at the rate you're going, and it would be rather traumatic on my behalf if you got trampled.'

'It's fine, I can manage.' I try to sound snappy, but sound about as threatening as a kitten. 'I'll call my dad to see if he can pick me up.'

Preston nods, and he seems satisfied. He unnecessarily waits with me under the bus stop as I call Dad, who picks up after the first ring.

'Hey, Dad.' I clear my throat as I realise my voice is still wobbly. 'Could you pick me up, by any chance? I missed the college bus so I'm walking home, but it's raining really heavily and I'm a little freaked out because I crossed a road without looking, and a car--' Dad says something, but I cut him off. 'I'm fine, don't worry, I just need a lift home.'

'Things are hectic here, Mia, I don't think I'll be able to pick you up until six at the earliest. Who are you with? Are you alone? Do you have any friends who live close by you can stay with? I don't want you on the street alone, especially not in the rain.'

'My place is only five minutes up the road,' Preston, who I almost forgot was even here, interjects.

Dad must have heard him because he begins interrogating. 'Who's that? Is that your friend? Go to their house for a bit, darling, don't wait on the street.'

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