Chapter 2- The Pumpkin Patch

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POV Allie

'Allie just be nice to him,' I had Shay on speakerphone as I was making breakfast for myself on Saturday morning, the pumpkin patch day. 'And just try to have a real conversation with him.' Shay went on. 'What do you mean, a real conversation?' I asked as I poured some milk in my bowl before putting in the cereal. Yeah, I'm one of those people. 'Well, I wouldn't call that constant bickering back and forth between you guys a real conversation right?' I chewed on my cereal thoughtfully for a second before asking, 'What should we talk about then?' I practically heard Shay roll her eyes in response. 'Just ask him about his hobbies girl, I don't know! I have to hang up now though, we're leaving for swim practice. Good luck with the love of your life Alls!' before I could say anything in response she already hung up.

The local pumpkin patch in our town was known by everyone, and people came from long distances to go there. You could find good pumpkins and carve them, but also pick apples, go on hayrides and we also had a corn maze on year. I used to go every single year with my dad, before he became an evil, lying and betraying excuse of a man. But yeah the pumpkin patch was still great.

James and I had to be there at 9:00 AM on that Saturday. Thankfully the patch was on cycling distance because my mom had just worked a night shift at the hospital, so she was still asleep and couldn't drive me there. I would've driven myself if it wasn't for the fact that I can't drive. I've been having lessons for one and a half years, but I'm just a hopeless case. (My teachers' words not mine).

It was the perfect example of a crisp autumn day; the sun was glowing weakly and a slightly chilly breeze blew the orange and red leaves through the air. My kind of weather.

The pumpkin patch was just a few miles from the apartment where I live with my mom. Our family knew the owner well, she was an old, sweet lady called Ms.Rosalie. She's known me my whole life because we came to the pumpkin patch ever since I was a toddler. So, naturally, when I arrived at the pumpkin patch, she welcomed me with a big embrace and kept telling me how much I've grown. 'You look so wonderful Allie! I remember when you were just a wee baby, not much bigger than me pumpkins.' Ms. Rosalie still had a Scottish leftover accent from living there with her husband before coming here. 'Thank you, Miss. Rosalie,' I said slightly awkward. 'Is James here already?' I asked. 'No doll I haven't seen the boy yet... But thank heavens you're here because we need to get started!' I let her drag me across the whole pumpkin patch, her explaining things on the way. My main job was to stand at the cash register and help customers when they had trouble with carrying or picking out the pumpkins. On some days I, no we, had to help with pumpkin carving or the hayride. 'Okay well that was everythin' darlin' lets get you started.' She walked me to the cash register, wished me good luck and started to walk away but stopped when I asked, 'Shouldn't I wait for James?' She shook her head, 'The patch stops for no one doll' and with that, she walked away.


A while later I noticed that I started to get a hang of it. It was a lot of work, particularly to do on your own, but it was going well. But I still could've ripped James' eyeballs out for doing this to me. Suddenly, with a lot of noise, a rusty old car pulled up. James. He stepped out, spotted me, and walked over. I was about to give him a massive lecture, but something stopped me. I had looked in his eyes. Rookie mistake honestly. His eyes were deep brown and captivating as ever. "be nice to him" Shay's words echoed in my head. He pulled me out of my trance by saying 'Sorry I'm a bit late' with a little shrug. I took a deep breath, looked at my watch and responded with; 'Oh don't worry about it, it's just...' My voice got a bit strained. '...Three hours.' He looked at me for a moment with an expression on his face that I couldn't really read. Was he surprised, confused, grateful? 'Okay, well... What can I do?'

And with that, our pumpkin patch time started. 

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