Chapter 2: The Beach

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Jason sighed in relief, admiring the miracle around him.

He stood in his new room, smiling at his handiwork: desk set up with school supplies; bed fully set; bathroom with his toiletries and medicines organized; bookshelf filled with his favorite fantasy stories.

The room was modest, but it might as well have been a mansion. Jason chuckled. He still couldn't believe how fortunate he'd been to have gotten this apartment.

"Bro," Omar called from behind. Omar stood in the doorway wearing only boxers, showing his muscular body. He held a protein shake in one hand and waved Jason's applications for the vet school animal hospital and local volunteer association in the other. "I knew a job and sixteen credits wouldn't be enough for you."

"Some things never change," Jason said with a smile, walking to Omar and yanking the papers from his callused hands. "People need help everywhere. And put some pants on."

"You're gonna kill yourself with this stuff, bro." Omar folded his large arms. "And ha! Pants are for the weak."

"I can handle this. Besides, volunteering for Tech's animal hospital will give me an edge when I apply to vet school. I can do what I love and make friends in high places. I'm killing two birds with one stone."

"I thought the point of a vet was to help animals." Omar smirked.

"You know what I mean!" Jason laughed.

Omar joined him, running his hand – light brown, like the rest of his body – through his short, dark brown hair. He looked up at Jason since he was almost half a foot shorter, which made Omar appear all the more muscular. They'd laughed like this since they'd befriended in high school – easily, usually over nothing anyone else would find funny – and Jason foresaw many more silly laughs and chuckles over the next four years. Especially with the usual target of their jokes living with them.

"Jason," the target's nasally voice called from the main room.

Jason shared a knowing smile with Omar, then walked out the doorway. Michael stood in the center of the living room – between his television on the right wall and the large couch on the left – with his hands on his hips.

"I admit, it's not bad," Michael said.

"Not bad?" Omar said. "Dude, for a hundred bucks a month, this is awesome!"

"Getting over your ill feelings so soon?" Jason asked, smirking.

Michael frowned. "Not really. It's just... nicer than I thought it would be."

Michael had short, dark brown hair and sported a thin beard of the same color. His eyes were a few shades lighter, matching the freckles that specked his pale skin. He'd had reservations of this place even after signing the lease. Jason's ears felt sore from Michael's questions over the last month. Jason had been able to answer them – making up a few since he didn't know everything – all to satisfy Michael's worry. It hadn't worked. Michael had seemed adamant about being skeptical of this place until he saw it. Jason smiled at Michael's ebbing worry.

That worry wouldn't go away if Michael knew Jason had only skimmed the contract. Jason would keep that lie secret until they'd lived here a while and loved it. No need to worry him about trivial matters such as contracts yet.

"Just think about all the money you'll be saving," Jason said, walking to his friend and patting his shoulder. "All the loans you won't have to take out. All the dates you can have with the hot college chicks. Think about the positives, Mike. Like me."

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