Thank You!

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To any curious, and kind, readers who read the entirety of my first story in Quintus Crossings (and who, for whatever reason, continued reading even after the story ended), I only have one thing to say: Thank you!

I have been writing for eight years now (and coming up with stories for far longer), so I greatly appreciate the time you put into my work.

Quintus Crossings was a story I began writing during a very trying time in my creative-life. I initially wrote this in the hopes that I could get it published in a magazine that specializes in publishing short fiction. The longest a story could be was 16k words. I, being someone who doesn't know when to shut up, wrote the shortest story of my life at 15.9k words.

But I hated it.

It didn't have nearly as much build-up or development as I prefer to have in my stories, and not nearly as many character interactions. So at the behest of a close friend, I opted to expand upon my original idea, thinking it would add five thousand words to the story, max.

Nearly twenty thousand words later, I finally finished my second draft of Quintus Crossings.

Dear reader, if you continue reading my work, you'll find that this lengthy "short story" is the smallest of my current series. And yes, I do mean series.

I organized Quintus Crossings into five different arcs, each with three separate parts, in order to tell the story I developed as I poured myself into these worlds and characters. I love them all dearly, and again, I am so happy you finished and read the first part.

Now, you've likely done the math in your head: five arcs, three parts each, and you've only read the first (and shortest) of the lot. Yup. That is correct. Quintus Crossings, by its end, will have fifteen parts (although not each are longer than the last).

I'm not sure if it is a good idea to let you know at the get-go how long the series will be, but I prefer the straightforward approach than being coy. Quintus Crossings will be long. But I do not expect to have any major hiatuses in my release schedule. Of the fifteen, seven of them are already written (although most are in their first drafts). I will continue to publish two chapters a week, on a Tuesday and Friday schedule, either until I catch up to the story or until the story is finished.

You have completed Quintus Crossings Story I: Jason - Emergence Arc. (A mouthful, yes, but again, I do not know when to shut up.)

Next comes Quintus Crossings Story II: Michael - Emergence Arc. (Three guesses who that's about.)

I hope to see you there!

Quintus Crossings - Story I: Jason - Emergence ArcWhere stories live. Discover now