A test

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For some reason, Naruto had begged Shikamaru to get up early so the duo could get there early, the spiky-haired child just dismissed it as his friend being way too energetic. Either way, somehow- he found himself walking outside the Nara compound at 6:30 in the damn morning because of that short ball of energy that was waiting patiently at the entrance for him, only due to the fact that he had taken longer because of his nagging mother who forced him to have breakfast-he was instructed not to, but his mother was not having it. With a sigh, he let the blonde boy jump on him as a form a greeting; a hug was practically expected from such a touchy and sociable person.

Shikamaru hardly hugged anyone, but he couldn't really deny his friend a hug when it was just a quick greeting. "Well, i'm here so let's get going" he said, his words accompanied by a yawn as they set off. The streets were quiet and practically empty at this time in the morning, aside from the few shop owners who made sure their store was set up, clean and ready for the public eye. "Why would you want to be out here when it's so empty? We could literally get there in five minutes" Shikamaru asked, noticing that the sudden question had gotten him an interesting reaction out of Naruto. His lips were twitching slightly, as if they wanted to pull themselves down into a frown, before the blonde beamed at his friend.

"It's just more peaceful and we don't have to be all fast and ninja-like, we can take our time- our sensei will probably come at midday anyways" Naruto joked, as if silently pleading for Shikamaru -if he had seen the hesitation of his answer and smile- to forget what he had seen.

"That's not an excuse to make me drag myself out of my bed at this time, you're lucky i'm kind enough to not let you stay there waiting by yourself" the brunet replied, picking up on the signal immediately, Naruto probably had his reasons for not wanting to be around people so he wasn't going to ask him now, that was a conversation for another time.

With a wider smile, if that was even humanly possible, Naruto hooked his arm around his best friend's shoulders as he had done many times before "yup! That's because you are my bestest friend ever! Of course you're kind- ya' know, you're just like your parents!" the blonde said, a cheeky chuckle slipping past his lips as he complimented the boy beside him. Shikamaru couldn't help but smile at his friend's antics, they were hard to not find likeable.

He had jinxed it. Naruto had gone and jinxed it. Kakashi wasn't just late, no- he wasn't just late, he didn't come at midday like Naruto had predicted; he came at 2 in the fricking afternoon. When they all questioned why he was late, all he was to say was "a black cat had crossed my path, so I had to take the long way" what kind of excuse was that? Nonetheless, the four had met up at 7, but waited for this man for 7 whole hours! How ironic!

"Well..." Kakashi paused, clearing his throat to ease the awkward atmosphere, due to his tardiness "let's get started" he said, walking over to an alarm clock and pressing one of those dodgy buttons, whatever they were called "here we go, it's set for evening" he started to explain, receiving confused looks from all of them as he pulled out three bells and held them up before he continued "your assignment is very simple, you just have to take these bells from me, that's all there is to it" he said, shaking the bells slightly "if you can't get them by evening, you'll go without lunch-" a wail from Naruto interrupted him, but he paid no mind to it "you'll be tied to those posts, and you'll watch while I eat my lunch in front of you" he said, looking back at the fresh genins.

So that's why he didn't want us to eat breakfast Shikamaru realized quickly, hearing Naruto's stomach rumble.

"Wait a minute, there's four of us, how come there's only three bells?" Sakura asked while holding up three fingers, receiving a light chuckle from their sensei.

"Well, that way, one of you will end up tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for not completing the mission, that one goes back to the academy" he answered, receiving a noise of frustration from Naruto "then again, all three of you could flunk the mission, you can use any weapon- including shuriken, if you're not prepared to kill me then you won't be able to take the bells, when I say start then you may begin" Kakashi had continued to talk, slightly insulting them which got a rise out of Naruto, causing the blonde to rush at him with a kunai. In a split second, Kakashi had suspended Naruto with the young boy's kunai a small distance away from his head, also holding his arm behind his head "don't rush, I didn't say start yet"

Naruto continued to protest, causing his teammates to step back slightly before he was released. They were in awe by how fast Kakashi was since they didn't even see him move to block Naruto. But, once he said start, they would all have to think carefully about their actions.


I don't really write action scenes- well, I have hardly written any, so I don't know why I set this in actual Naruto XD i'm so stupid, i'm going to skip the test because I don't want to write a trash fighting scene. I'll probably have to skip ahead- I'll figure it out lol

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