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Anne Boleyn put down the quill and wave with the letter to make the ink dry faster. The letter explained the king's injury and urged her to arrive as soon as possible. She signed the letter, normally she wouldn't bother sealing the letter, since to her social standing doesn't matter. But the royal seal would ensure, she would not be stopped by guards and that she will be brought before queen immediately.
Anne took the letter to one of her servants she knew to be a fast rider. She knew it should be easy to find her. After all, she knew her well enough to know the talk of almost miraculous healer would spread fast.
While Anne watched the rider leave with the letter and horse, her mind took her back to their first meeting.
A few years before her queendom, before the division of England. Henry's affection was steady and their romance was still so sweet and new. She was aware of her influence over the king and respect for her family was rising. Yet dark cloud appeared over England, sweating sickness swept over poor nation and claimed life after life beggars, merchant and aristocrats indiscriminately. Henry sent her away from court away from the epicenter of the infection. But the threat of death followed her to Heaver. Anne fell ill.  And some people were sure it was the wrath of God, it was meant to be her punishment for disrupting the royal marriage.
She was in pain and the death was near. In the moments of clarity, she could tell the doctor has given up hope and her father and brother were getting desperate.
Anne herself was trying to fight for her life, but she felt the end was near. While she was awake she was in pain burning from the inside and in a constant haze, and her sleep was plagued by horrible nightmares, brought by the sickness.
She could not say wheater it was day or night but the emptiness around her was interrupted by two voices.
" her...sick..." She made out a masculine voice, her father perhaps.
She did not understand what was said in reply but another voice was softer, calming. Sweet exotic scent and the vibrant purple color was the last thing, Anne remembered before she succumbed to peaceful dreamless sleep for the first time in weeks.
When Anne woke up, her pain was gone she felt much better. There was something wet on her forehead and the sweet scent was still in the air. Anne went to sit when a feminine accented voice interrupted her.
"You should rest, your body is still weak and you may easily be very dizzy."
On the other side of the room was a strange petite woman. She had long dark hair braided in an elaborate braid. Her skin had slightly golden shade, darker than women she met near the court. Yet the most interesting feature was her purple eyes.
Anne could not place the woman's accent. And was very curious about the stranger in her room.
"Who are you?"
The woman smiled, but before she could reply, the angry voice of George Boleyn ran through the room.
"This is ridiculous!"
With these words, Anne's brother bursts through the door with the pale priest running after him. Georges's angry expression vanishes when he spots her sister awake.
"Anne! How are you feeling?"
"George. I feel much better." Anne couldn't help but smile at her brother, but still felt confused.  "What is going on?"
"Nothing you should worry about, this man just is just acting stupid."
That gotten reaction from the priest.
"Excuse me but as a humble servant of God, I must ensure this witchcraft does not plague our country anymore."
"I can assure you that there is not any witchcraft involved" replied that mysterious woman.
"Doctor sent for me because there was nothing he could do. This recovery is the result of some dark spell!"
"No spells, just knowledge of herbs."
"Are you suggesting, that you possess more knowledge than the total apothecary, woman?!"
"I would not know wheater more knowledge or just different, but I can say I have more knowledge of this particular illness."
"And how did you managed that?!"
Throughout this whole exchange, the mysterious healer kept her calm and Boleyn siblings watched in fascination how every answer delivered in a calm manner managed to anger the priest even more. The conversation reached it's peak when the woman smiled at the priest and replied: "I have a tendency to ask informative questions."
That rose George from his stupor. He blocked the priest's view of the room. "As you can see Anne is healthy so we won't be needing your services anymore." With that, he was leading priest to the door calmly but firmly. Before the sputtering priest managed to leave, the strange woman called after him. "When your reads to come to me with a desire to help people instead of small-mindedness and accusation, I will be more than willing to share the knowledge. After all the more people possess the knowledge of healing people, the more people can be helped."
And with that, the priest was gone. George turned back to his sister. "I will inform father, that you're feeling better. Will you be needing something miss..."
"If you don't mind, I would like to stay for a few days to make sure the sickness won't return. Meanwhile, she should drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fresh vegetables and cooked fish." Informed the healer.
"Fish?" Asked George, after all, it was rather a commoner food. "Yes, people from colder lands are using the nourishment the fish can offer to keep themselves healthy. If you follow my advice even after the illness is gone, it should be harder to get ill." Explained healer.
George nodded in understanding and left leaving Anne alone with the mysterious woman.
Anne was the first to break the silence.
"Than you for your help. And I am sincerely sorry for what happened with the priest."
"No need to. Men in this strange land would rather believe in dark spells and magic than admit a woman can know more than them." Smiled the woman.
" Where are you from, I can't place this accent."
"To be honest my accent is from everywhere. Since I was very young, I traveled a lot, to gain knowledge of healing from people from all over the world, and to gain knowledge, I had to know the language at least a little."
"That sounds like a very exciting life for a woman who can't be much older than me."
That caused soft laughter to escape the healer. "I have indeed a lot of stories to tell from my travels."
"Then I hope that you can spend some of the time here by telling me at least some of them. But I did not hear your name."
"People have called me a lot of things throughout the years. But I prefer Rosette."

Hello readers, I'm excited that someone is reading my story. Anyway I hope you like my OC.
Next chapter we get little more of a history between Rosette and Anne, and Rosette's arrival at the court .

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