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During Rossette's stay at the mansion in Heavers, she and Anne become friends in a very short time. Anne remembered one specific evening clearly. She could finally go outside, she was happy and healthier than ever. Rosette had a good influence on her health and mood. They were sitting in the garden under the tree, just talking. Anne decided to ask a question she had for quite me time
"You were not surprised by what that priest had to say, and you were calm for such serious accusation. Why is it?"
"It's not the first time something like that happened. A strange single woman travels throughout the civilized and uncivilized world and brings back strange knowledge of healing. It was way worse."
"Really? How?"
"Well, once I was dosed in Holy water to see if it will burn my skin. In one city I had twelve priests following me along wherever I went to prove that I was a witch."
"That definitely explains how you were so calm, our incident was tame in comparison. How did you manage to prove that you were not a dangerous sorceress?"
At that Rossette laugh, and Anne realized it was lovely sound, light, free and completely honest. For Anne growing up at the French court and then getting into machinations of the royal court of England was this uncommon occurrence, and she enjoyed it.
"Wherever I go, I bring back healing herbs, but in European countries, I tend to find people similar effects. While healing people I only used well-known herbs and nothing else since there were twelve of them so they couldn't be mistaken. No magic was used. If I used any exotic plant, I would have been in big trouble."
Anne was surprised.
"And that was the worst situation you've ever been in."
"Sort of. During my stay with one peculiar tribe, they were sure I was their goddess of harvest and fertility. They thought that if I marry their leader, shaman or best warrior, I'll bring them harvest and golden times for all of their people. Let's just say it was difficult getting out of there."
That brought a moment of silence between two girls.
"And you still travel around healing people?"
"Yes, it's what I want to do."
After this Anne became fascinated by this woman. That evening she decided to share the situation between her and the king. Most women she knows would chastities her for breaking up a family much less a royal one or would support her wholeheartedly, out of either some romantic idealization of forbidden love or pure opportunism. She did not expect this reaction.
"I hope it ends up being what you wanted."
"I think a lot of girls dream of being swept off of their feet by a king or prince charming. But it is not what they bargained for in the end, I hope at the end of the day, you are happy.
"So you don't care he was already married with a child."
"Is it an ideal way to meet your future spouse? No. But I am not one to judge, and besides, it's not just your doing. For the beginning of a romance, it takes two people. The king is responsible for this, just like you, and both of you will have to live with your choices no matter where they lead your life."
That was the moment Anne knew, she can trust Rossette. She started to care deeply about the mysterious healer.
She was devastated when the traveling woman had to leave. Seeing the positive effects she had on his child, her father even offered a lot of money to the girl to stay and become the family doctor, but she refused, stating: "I couldn't just sit around waiting for someone to get sick when there are so many people in the streets needing help."
Before she left she shared her plans with Anne. So the queen knew she would still be in England, and where else could she find sick and poor than in the streets of a big city. She could not be that far from the palace.
Not only can she help Henry to survive, but if there is someone who could help her deliver the child she carried safely and alive, it was Rossette.
Knock on her door interrupted Anne from her musings.
"Come in"
The door opened, and there with one of the servants stood petite hooded figure. The queen did not wait and went to hug the person. "Rossette, I'm so glad you are here."
As she squeezed the smaller woman in her arms, for the first time in some time she felt at peace like everything is going to be alright, and she did not want to let go. She was almost afraid, that if she let go, the small figure will disappear again.
But this was not the time for that. Anne let go of the hug, but she kept a firm hold of the healer's arm. She turned her attention to the servant.
"Take her to the king, she is an apothecary and she is to examine the king. That is the order of the queen. Afterwards, bring her back to my chambers." She stated with voice without a doubt and full of autority.
Anne smiled at her friend once more, before she exited the room.

Hi readers, I am here with another chapter. Don't worry, in the next chapter, we'll get the man himself Henry. And about Anne, yes she is already very invested in Rossette staying with her, and this investment will only grow. See ya next time.

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