2 | The New Tyrin

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Words, memories, thoughts, and ideas that Stella didn't own flashed through her head. She found herself emerged within the energy- Tanencha.

The voice ringing in her head wasn't hers. It was more measured and calm then hers. The voice knew what it was doing in a way that Stella never had.

The voice began to speak again, out loud. "Becoming the Tyrin is not easy. The physical, mental and emotional feats you must complete are just short of impossible." Stella gasped as her body suddenly appeared again. Disoriented, she bucked and fell on her knees. "And that is why here, you must train."

Stella finally got ahold her herself, and exhaled deeply, managing to get to her feet. "How am I supposed to train here?" she asked. "It's a void of darkness."

"You underestimate your power, child." The Tanencha responded quickly, almost as if it was laughing at her. "The training grounds lay inside your mind, the instruments of war are at your command."

"How can I access them?" Stella shouted desperately in the void. "Will you tell me?"

"Maybe," The Tanencha replied. "I am within you, the inner knowledge you seek. But, even so, I cannot tell you everything."

Stella readied herself, fist up, in a power stance. "Okay," She said, wanting to get out of this as soon as she could. "Let's start."

"You are too tense now, child," The Tanencha said solemnly, and the world around her transformed into a living room, cozy, and comforting. The aroma of a pie spilled around one of the corners, from another room, presumably the kitchen. Stella had never been in an environment like this- it had such a peaceful, homey feeling.

A cushiony blue coach, full of yellow and red pillows lay on one side of the room, while an aged, round wooden coffee table sat just a few feet away from it. An antique lamp was turned on, and its light was glowing dimly, although the room was fully illuminated.

"Sit down on the couch." The Tanencha said, and Stella obeyed. The couch was as comfortable as it looked. She felt herself sink into the soft cushions. "Eat some pie," The Tanencha continued, and a piece of apple pie appeared in front of Stella.

Did she have the power to do all of this too? It seemed so. She carefully picked up the piece of apple pie, which was on a slightly cracked, worn plate, and bit into it. It was sweet and sugar-filled, a pleasing taste. It tasted like home- which confused Stella, as this was in no way like her home.

Where she used to live, rations were low, and everyone begged for food, food that wasn't there. Apple pie never existed in her old home, nor did apples. In fact, she had only heard of apples in stories.

So... why did she associate this flavor, this scent, this room, why did everything around her feel that way?

Stella quickly finished the pie, trying to satisfy her hungry stomach. "Did you like that?" The Tanencha asked after she finished swallowing her last bite.

"Yes," Stella replied, unsure of where to look. "I did. Thank you."

"Do not thank me, Stella," The Tanencha began, "Thank yourself. I was just harnessing the power you possess, as you do not know how to use it yet."

Stella's eyes widened. If she had that much power- possibly more, what could that mean for her employment? What would that mean for the world, to have her, an uneducated renegade with any power whatsoever? Sure, the power to create a piece of pie, and the environment around her didn't seem huge, but that didn't mean it wasn't.

She started to relax into the couch cushions once more and felt the stress within her drop to a more stable level.

The Tanencha spoke again. "The tension in you has been released." It continued, "Now, we may begin the training."

The Secret of Tanencha sy TyrinWhere stories live. Discover now