5 | And So We Start

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"The ships," Stella said, wiping off her sweat-filled forehead with the back of her hand. "The ships, that's what I'm here for. I need to get them."

The Tanencha made a noise, similar to that of laughter, surprising Stella. She hadn't known that it was able to do that. "The ships don't exist Stella."

It took a couple of moments for Stella to process this. "Wait, what?" She asked, in a confused frenzy. "Why?"

"I do not know." The Tanencha said. "I only know the past, not the present. I can't tell you why. I just know that they are not here."

"So..." Stella said, her words drifting off. "Does that mean the only reason I'm here is because of you?"

The Tanencha made no noise for what seemed like minutes but was probably seconds. Stella's persistent impatience made it so even the shortest of pauses feel like forever. "No, you are here for much more. The training wasn't the start of anything. That was just preparation."

"So after all this time, am I ready?" Stella asked, rubbing her hands together, which were surprisingly smooth.

"No, not ready." The Tanencha replied. "Prepared. And that is why, as you have known, I am revealing the 'quest,' as you've called it in your head. You have known there is something more- that power is not just given, it is earned. Before or after its appointment." Stella's eyes widened. It really was listening to her every thought. "You sense there is something more to this, you question everything." The Tanencha paused for a moment. "And that questioning is correct. You will need that for what I am telling you."

Stella narrowed her eyes. "And what are you telling me?" She asked, awaiting a response.

"I am telling you that there is a 'hero's quest.' There is something missing, from all of this," The Tanencha started, prompting Stella to lean in closer- even though there was nothing to lean into. "And you need to retrieve it. A piece of something missing. You saw the illustration on the wall as we came into the caves. Something has been stolen- a fragment of a crystal."

"By who?" Stella whispered, knowing the Tanencha would hear her.

And it had, obviously. "Evil," It said. "Over-arching, impending evil. Azarath is the thief."

"Whoever named their child that should have expected them to become evil. It sounds like an antagonist name." Stella told the Tanencha, smiling despite current circumstances.

"This is not a joking matter," The Tanencha scolded her, "Let me continue, you insolent child."

Stella rolled her eyes. "Rude." She muttered to herself.

"I'm not supposed to be nice, I'm supposed to instruct you. We have been over this, several times." It did seem that annoying the Tanencha- an inanimate being, a part of her own soul, had become a talent of hers. It was peculiar to think about it, considering the Tanencha was Stella herself. It meant Stella was annoying herself, almost making her want to laugh. Of course, that would bother the Tanencha further, but it was humorous.

"Sorry," Stella said, stopping herself from releasing a giggle, "Continue."

"As I was saying," The Tanencha told her. "A crystal is missing, one needed to be put back into place so that all order is restored once more. This planet will perish if not protected, and Azarath aims to deplete resources."

"Wow." Stella breathed. "Why? What is his motivation? How could someone do such a thing?"

The Tanencha was quiet, almost thoughtful. "Self-preservation perhaps. Maybe to heal. Living beings are self-centered. They don't care about issues until they become prominent until they overwhelm everything. I do not know what Azarath is looking for, but it is clear why."

"Why?" Stella asked, nervous waking in suspense of the Tanencha's response.

"Greed. Self-importance. Narcissism. The human condition."

"Azarath is... human?" Stella asked. Sure, Stella knew from her experience as a human that they were driven out of self-interest. But destroying a planet, cleaning resources out of one, only to save one's own self?

Stella had seen humans steal, she'd seen them do horrible things, but never for just for themself- it was always for a secular cause. And even since humans had discovered life on other planets, hundreds and thousands of years ago, a change to that had not been made.

But despite everything, as a human, Stella knew morals existed. And if Azarath was a human, he had to have morals. The human condition wasn't all bad. It allowed love, it allowed friendship. And although humans weren't perfect, there were some perfect things about them.

The Tanencha finally answered after a long silence. "Yes," It said. "But also no. No one who could do the things Azarath has done would ever be able to be considered human. Azarath has mutated into something else. He is entirely human, but his soul isn't. His soul is to corrupt to ever be considered close to that of a human."

"That makes sense," Stella said, still not fully understanding what the Tanencha had said.

"No, it doesn't." The Tanencha denied. "None of it makes sense, but that doesn't mean we have to uncover it. It means we have to stop it."

"We?" Stella asked. "I thought it was just me. I thought that you were me."

"There are multiple 'you's' within your head," The Tanencha replied.

It still didn't make sense. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that within you, there is Tanencha, me, the energy, the one feeding you knowledge and power, and Tyrin, your soul. Who is you, and what you had before me. What you will have after."

"After what?" Stella asked, putting her hand to her heart. "After what?"

The Tanencha spoke bluntly as it did all the time, and although Stella couldn't detect a change in tone, she could feel one. "No one is sure."

"There are more?"

"No." The Tanencha said. "You are the only Tyrin. You are the only person that can be Tyrin, at least for now."

"There have been other Tyrin's? Other people know about this?" The questions in Stella's mind seemed almost endless. Every time she thought she had gotten to the core of one, another would pop out in front of it.

"Yes and yes." The Tanencha said. "Through time, when this planet has been in need, I have manifested myself into others, making them the Tyrin. They have told their descendants about the cause, and again, when the inhabitants of this planet were in need again, Tanencha sy Tyrin would again, save."

Stella whistled. "Like a spiritual super-hero." She said. "That's cool."

"Indeed." The Tanencha said. "And others are bound to know. Others have to know. Tanencha sy Tyrin is known, though easily forgotten. Once the people were saved, I leave the Tyrin and await another. Humans tend to forget easily, but on rare occasions, one remembers and becomes an ally. You will need those allies."

Stella swallowed. "How long has it been since the last Tyrin?"

"Too long." The Tanencha said. "Now we are in deep trouble, and I have been awaiting a new Tyrin for ages."

"It's good that I'm here then," Stella said, her pride spewing out.

The Tanencha stopped for a second. "Perhaps."

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