Chapter 19 ❧ Reflect

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"Did someone else tell you? How many people actually know who I am?" Marinette demands, freaking out.

"Relax! It's just me. I figured it out myself- as I told you, you're not very discreet."

"So you're saying you just guessed it by yourself?"

I nod. "You disappeared here for nearly an hour while we were watching the news. As soon as Desperada was defeated and Ladybug left, you came out looking rather victorious."

"But that's just today," she pints out, confused.

"True but, remember when Lila made an amazing presentation of my family history? Well, before that we had lunch and you were nowhere in sight too. Well what do you know, as soon as you returned- the news was singing Ladybug's praises."

"That's all?" She says incredulously. "It could have been a coincidence."

"I've bumped into you more times than I count when Ladybug could have been around." I intentionally leave out the fact I was the Blood Bat half of those times. "But what hit the nail on the coffin was during our baking session."

"We baked those stained glass cookies months ago!" She exclaims.

"Okay, but the one time the bowl fell onto the floor, I spotted your Ladybug kwami topple it over."

"What?!" Marinette and Tikki yell in unison. I shush them vehemently.

"You could have imagined it?" Tikki suggests.

"-Like how I imagine punching Lila, but there was no way."

"I'm so sorry, Marinette. I wasn't careful enough to stay hidden," Tikki turns to her.

"No, it's my fault for bringing you along when it wasn't necessary," She says and I almost choke at the sheer sweetness of the whole atmosphere.

"Now that we have everything settled, I think we should head back," I say, reaching for the doorknob.

"Wait!" Marinette holds onto my arm. "See I am right to trust you. You're good-natured. You know who I am but stayed tight-lipped and never told a soul."

"It's nothing like that," I say with integrity. "I only thought it was fair. After hurting you with Adrien when I didn't even know myself. It isn't my secret to tell anyway."

"But still, thank you- thank you so much." She squeezes my shoulder.

Giving her a smile, I say, "What are friends for?" I'm about to reach for the door again when she stops me the second time.

"Oh, hang on just a minute. I have to do your hair really quick! Come on, I think a braid will suit you." She pulls back to the mirror before I could refuse. "Tikki, can you help me out?"

They both begin braiding my hair around the crown of my head, but let my strands unfurl at the ends. I throw furtive glances at Grimm still behind the shower curtain as he raises an eyebrow at me. After less than five minutes, Marinette says," There! All done!"

 After less than five minutes, Marinette says," There! All done!"

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