Chapter 1

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"These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: we, ever your servants, continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that would seek to take it from you. Your Ministry remains strong..."


Hermione stared stoically at a lurid headline, muggle family murdered, violence spread. "Hermione. Your tea is ready, dear." Hermione glanced through the doorway to the stairs beyond.

Her mother's shadow clung to the wall, trembling within another shadow, that of a wind-tossed tree. It is strangely beautiful and Hermione seemed transfixed.

"Coming, Mum." Her mother's shadow withdrew, leaving only the trembling tree. Hermione glanced once more at the Prophet's troubling headline, then slipped it into a tiny beaded bag.

As Hermione descended the stairs, Mrs. Granger exited the kitchen with a teapot. "Don't you look lovely. All packed?" Hermione nodded and watched her mother set the teapot on the table in front of the television.

Just then, Mr. Granger stepped out holding a biscuit tin. "Are you sure these biscuits are sugar-free?" Hermione looked over to them.

"Quite sure, dear. See the big bold letters that say 'Sugar Free'? Dead giveaway."

"Mm. Yes." He passed Hermione. "Hello, kitten. Don't you look lovely." Hermione smiled wanly as her father gave her a peck on the head.

Then joined her mother on the sofa opposite the television. An Australian wildlife program played. "The bandicoot has small pointed ears and a long snout from which it emits a distinctive trumpet sound when agitated."

"Darling, don't be suspicious the biscuits taste so good, be grateful the company's so clever." Hermione looked away from the screen and studied her mother and father.

Slowly, she reached into the tiny bag and withdrew her wand. Taking two steps forward, she pointed it toward the back of their heads. Hand trembling, she spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Obliviate."

Mrs. Granger's face went briefly slack and she reached out, as if to break a fall, then, slowly, her hand dropped. She came to rest upon her husband's. He blinked once, blankly, and then enfolded her fingers in his.

Hermione lowered her arm and, eyes stinging with tears, watched the photographs placed about the room begin to change. One by one, Hermione disappeared from each. "Goodbye."

Clutching the beaded bag, Hermione moved down the windswept street into the dying light.


Olivia sat in the living room of her house. She watched Lily play on a mat on the floor, waiting for her father and Draco to come home. She nervously bounced her leg, because this morning could have been the last time she saw them.

Olivia picked the two month old up and walked into the kitchen. Music played from every corner of the house, but would stop if there was a noise from the front or back door.

Olivia made sure a shrunken bag was in her pocket at all times. "You hungry love?" Olivia asked Lily who smiled and slapped her. "I'll take that as a yes." Liv heated up the stove and put a pot in it with formula.

As that heated up she grabbed some food for herself, which was pizza. Liv hummed along to Welcome To The Jungle by Guns N' Roses as she ate.

Lily giggled at her mother as she bobbed her head along as did a small dance with Lily in her arms.

Welcome To the Jungle ended and a drum solo she knew played. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) By R.E.M started and she sang along. "But like do I feel fine? I'm literally the end of the world as we know it." She thought out loud as she walked over to the stove and turned it off.

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