Chapter 6

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Harry moved on as he heard voices ahead. He emerged into a wide open space and discovered dozens of witches and wizards sitting at a sea of small desks.

 Waving their wands in unison, squares of pink paper flit like kites through the air, all dropped into neat stacks. Harry creeped closer and saw that they were pamphlets entitled, 'MUDBLOODS and the Dangers They Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society.'

"Reckon the old hag will be interrogating Mudbloods all day?" A red headed witch asked another witch next to her.

"Sh...careful." Pius Thicknesse appeared, trailing a retinue of lackeys.

"Runcorn." Harry returned Thicknesse's nod and watched him pass from view. As his gaze shifted, he found the Red-Haired Witch regarding him with fear. 

She looked quickly away and resumed her work at double-time. Harry's eyes shifted again, regard a shining mahogany door across the way.

He squinted: something was imbedded within the door. He crossed the room and stopped dead. Fitted into the wood was an eye. It spun weakly, then stopped, Mad-Eye's eye. He looked down to the brass nameplate next to the door.


Harry's jaw tightened in anger and he glanced over his shoulder. The Red-Haired Witch was watching him. She glanced away quickly.

Harry reached into an inner pocket and removed a decoy detonator, an odd object with little weaving legs and a rubber-bulbed horn for a body. He released it.

It scuttled down his body, across the floor and directly into the sea of desks. Harry waited. Then... Bang!

Black smoke billowed into the air, pink pages fly everywhere and the Detonator gives birth to dozens of tiny replicants of itself, which race about the floor, up the legs and across the desks of the pamphleteers. The Red-Haired Witch shrieked, others followed and Harry slipped into Umbridge's office, closing the door. 

The room's decor is sickeningly cute. Lace doilies, dried flowers. Harry took out his wand.

"Accio locket." Nothing. Harry frowned and glanced about. A leaflet bearing his face -- 'Undesirable #1' -- lied upon Umbridge's desk, along with photographs of other Order members. Olivia's face was on the second one, titled 'Undesirable #2'.

Two had a LARGE PINK "X" scratched on them: Dumbledore and Mad-Eye.

Harry began to search the office, opening drawers, riffling through filing cabinets, then he stopped. 

He pulled out a file. Inside is a photograph of Hermione and an accompanying data sheet: 'Blood Status: MUGGLE BORN'

'Whereabouts: Last seen in the company of Undesirable #1.' Quickly Harry replaced the file and searched out Ron's. 

'Blood Status: PURE BLOOD... Pro-Muggle leanings.' 

Whereabouts: Last seen in the company of Undesirable #1. Harry started to put the file away, then pauses, looking closer. 'Father: Arthur Weasley.

Ministry Employee. Status: TRACKED. Strong likelihood Undesirable #1 will contact.' Harry stared at the word 'TRACKED'.

"All right, all right. Let's calm down, shall we?" Harry replaced the file and stepped to the door and peered through. 

Slowly, he eased open the door and back out before turning. The Red-Haired Witch was watching him. He puts his finger to his lips. Her eyes went wide as saucers.

"It probably just snuck up here from Experimental Charms. I think none of us will soon forget last month's Poisonous Duck..." Seeing the Red-Haired Witch's expression, the Balding Wizard turned and, as before, withered at the sight of Harry.

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