Chapter 3

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"They know she's an imposter! They've been warned!" Ron looked back, watching the two goblins return to Hermione. Olivia's leg was killing her, but they needed the cup more. So she sucked it up and stood next to Hermione.

"Madam Lestrange. Would you mind presenting your wand?"

"And why should I do that?" Just then, the guard across the room began to walk toward Ron. Ron's eyes danced. He averted his face.

"Harry, what do we do? Harry...?" No response. Ron extended his hand as casually as he can, finds only empty space. 

 Hermione, simulating Harry's movement toward her. "It's the bank's policy. I'm sure you understand, given the current climate --"

"No, I most certainly do not understand --" Sensing Harry's presence, she faltered, her own voice emerging through Bellatrix's. Bogrod eyed her intensely.

"I'm afraid I must insist." As the guard closed on Ron, Ron looked about frantically. 

He reached for his wand when a gust of wind filled the Hall, sending the ledgers trembling again. The guard approaching Ron shifted his gaze briefly to the entrance, as do the Aged Goblin and Bogrod. None see Harry's hand slip from the cloak, his wand pointed at Bogrod.

"Imperio." The door glided shut. The wind died. Bogrod blinked.

"Very well, Madam Lestrange, Miss Dante. If you will follow me."

"But... Bogrod, there have been special instructions regarding the Lestrange vault." The aged goblin tried to reason with the other goblin, not knowing it wouldn't work.

"I'm fully aware of that. I'm also aware the Lestranges are one of our oldest and most respected families."

"Yes, sir, but our instructions are very specific --"

"Let me be specific with you, Ricbert. I've run this bank for forty-five years, long before anyone had even heard of a Death Eater. The day may come that they feel they can run this place better than me, but that day has not yet arrived. Am I understood!" The Aged Goblin hesitated, then nodded. 

Bogrod turned to Hermione. "Madam, if you will, I will escort you myself." He looked to the guard. "Teffington, see to that door, will you."

The guard glanced at Ron, then reluctantly headed for the entrance. Ron quickly fell in line behind Hermione as Bogrod lead them out of the Hall.

A cart hurtled through the darkness, ferrying the lot of them, Harry, Ron, Olivia, Hermione, Griphook and Bogrod -- down the rickety rails, twisting and turning, sloping ever downward. Harry leaned toward Griphook, who commandeers the cart.

"How long before they come after us?"

"Time will tell." Harry's eyes meet Griphook's in the flickering darkness, then Ron's face appeared over Harry's shoulder.

"What's that? Up ahead." Ron pointed. In the distance, directly over something shimmered like a curtain of water.

"I should have known --" Furiously, Griphook started to throw levers, slowing the cart.

"What is that, Griphook?" The wheels screeched, throwing off sparks. "Griphook! What is that!"

He doesn't answer, furiously preoccupied with the cart. Harry turned to Hermione, hoping she has an explanation, but she just shakes her head, staring up ahead as Griphook slumped back. Powerless, watching in grim resignation as the cart careened wildly down the rail and piercing the shimmering curtain.

Instantly, water engulfed them with ferocious power. The seats beneath them collapse, flipping downward and they dropped.

A cascade of roaring water toward the ground rushing up 30 feet below. Hermione screamed something, her wand flashing and one by one they splash down relatively gently, relatively unscathed. 

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