Chapter 2

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I almost made it to class on time.

When I say almost, l mean I got in right behind the usual latecomers, and that averted the attention away from me as I sat on my usual seat and started taking out my books. My shortness got me sitting right in front, in the middle row of every class. However, I was grateful that my chair and table were of standard height.

"Oh Camilla, we were just talking about you," a guy called out from a table somewhere at the back, at the corner to my left. He captured everyone's attention.

Oh no, not today Jared.

"Were we? I thought we were talking about what extra activities the class would want to do next for literature," Mrs. Denbe my English teacher revealed before answering her ringing phone.

She was your typical female teacher, in her mid-forties.

"Yeah and how about a play on Snow White? What do you think Shortie?" Jared tested. I could see where this was going and I had no choice but to turn my head towards him. I muttered an "I don't know" since I could feel my face heating up from all the eyes that were on me.

"Seriously, though. You, for once, can get a role that fits you. You play the lead role of being one of the dwarfs or you can be all seven of them," he finished, putting on show for everyone to hear. They all heard it, turning the class into an eruption of laughter. My heart ached from pain and my face heated up more. He has repeated this joke a lot of time, yet people still laughed, which still affects me emotionally and mentally.

"What do you think Camilla?" Jared pressed on when everyone got calm.

I graced him with the tight-lips-and-closed smile that I had designed for specific people like him and tallied it with a shrug. I had to pretend like I acknowledged his humor so that he could get off my case even though it crashed my self-assurance all the time. Story of my life...

I could feel someone's eyes on me from the back of the class, so I quickly turned back and focused on Mrs. Denbe, who got off the phone a second later and continued teaching without even noticing what had happened.

The class went by so fast, and Mrs. Denbe was already asking everyone to leave their essays on her desk as we went out. Clever me managed to come up with a plan, so I waited for people to go out before I approached her. I told my teacher I was not feeling well yesterday, even though that was a lie, she believed me because she was that gullible after I gave her my old doctor's note which I found somewhere at the bottom of my bag. Crafty, I know.

The rest of my classes were not that eventful, and soon I was back in Mrs. Denbe's class during lunch, on my usual seat, writing my essay. Turns out the topic was 'Foul and Fair' from the book we are currently reading - 'Macbeth'

How could I not remember?

Missing lunch meant that I could not join the cheerleading squad for lunch. Meaning I would miss out on the conversation about today's hockey transfer. As if on cue, about six boys from the hockey team were also in the English class a few tables behind me. They were easily noticeable in their maroon and blue hockey jackets that only they could wear with that much swagger. They were busy writing their essays while holding an amusing conversation, on the other hand.

They naturally looked out of this world and unbothered. Why wouldn't they? They had their captain Nicolas Walker with them.

Nicolas is just.... Nicolas. I don't even know where to start. Here is one thing though; everybody loves Nicolas, boys included.

He is the cool, attractive, athletic, hot guy for the girls and the guy every guy would want to invite to their party. Nicolas is at bay with everyone. Everyone wants to be around him because he is naturally fun, and he is always happy. He is not mean to anyone even though I have never been around him.

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