Chapter 4

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"I'm lost," one of the blonde guys who was standing unpromptedly said.

"Nathan, you are always lost," Nicolas responded.

"What will we do with her?" Nathan, as I have come to know, asked. I felt so insulted, even though I very much wanted to agree with him knowing how useless I was.

Another guy came over to me and held the hockey stick beside me. He was sort of measuring me. "Look, this hockey stick is even taller than her," he whined.

The guys started laughing, and I ducked my head lower in humiliation.

I didn't want this at all.

It was Friday afternoon already, and we were at the hockey field, for my first practice. I was currently being introduced to the team, which consisted of about fifteen of them. Some of them were sitting down while others were standing. I was standing next to Nicolas, who was doing the introductions. I changed into the uniform I got even though the shirt was too huge on me and almost looked like a dress. The shorts could not fit me so I had to wear my normal P.E shorts.

"Guys listen. We will obviously have to teach her how to play hockey but I took her so that we can finally have our own assistant," Nicolas declared.
So that's the plan?

A bunch of "ohs" came from the guys.

"Now, I get it. She is sort of like our personal slav-assistant, but she is small," the Nathan guy reviewed the idea. "I like that. Let's call her mini-ass. Get it?"

Everyone blankly looked at him, waiting for clarification.

"Mini because she is a dwarf and ass for shortening assistant," he clarified. A bunch of other "ohs" and laughs emanated again.

I was now used to people making up names just to tease me. It hurts every time. "We are all in on the mini-ass thing, Nicolas. But the teaching part, you are on your own Captain. So we are just gonna leave you to it while we start practicing." Another brunette guy spoke up. Then they all took their hockey sticks and moved to the field. Three of Nicolas's close friends, remained behind.

"What the heck is a mini-ass?" Eggsy (if I remember correctly) asked his other friend Oliver who was standing next to him. They were the cutest of the group, cute enough to have girls fighting for them, which happened a lot. Oliver was a bit shorter with brown hair while Eggsy was taller than him with a curly afro. They looked at each other and broke into a hypnotising laugh. I wondered if they were like Nicolas.

"Look behind you and you will know what assless people look like," Nicolas joined in, humouring along.

"Oh shade brother. Ours are fine model arses, dude.'' Oliver came back at him.

I studied them as they joked along together but realised that, Scott, the blonde one, who almost never talked or at least I barely heard him speak, was not entertaining them. He just shook his head at their antics and ignored them when they tried including him.

Mysteriously hot. I like that.

Don't ask me how I know their names. Besides the fact that they were in my year, they were Nicolas's close friends. Everyone knew that.

Standing here made me feel so invisible. They literally talked about me as if I wasn't around—nothing I wasn't used to considering my height.

"She is so quiet it is driving us nuts," Eggsy gestured to me, his brown skin glistening with sweat on his lean arms.

"Nick you'll scare her off. Let us show her around. You know we are professionals," Oliver added, already moving closer to me.

"Professionals at ruining my plans. This time I don't want your asses budging in, so please let me do my thing," Nicolas said briskly.

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